A million memories of us: A date gone badly

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A\N: Oneshot 6 of A million memories of us has a mention and implication of rape so please don't read this one if it triggers you, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.

Oneshot 6 title: A date gone badly.

Oneshot 6 summary: When her date turns badly, Jenny has to call a member of her team to come rescue her.

POV: Third person.

Chapter count: 1.

NCIS Director and former Field Agent Jennifer Shepard is in her office on her computer when her eyes catch the date at the bottom of her computer and gasps as she notices what day it is. Damn it, I didn't realise. She growls internally as a less than pleasant memory washes over her.

Tears fall from her eyelashes as she tries to cover herself, her jaw aching and sore where she was hit. This has been one of the worst nights in her life. She can't believe that her date tried to rape her against his car! Her hands shake violently as she takes her cell phone out of her purse and tries to think of who to call to pick her up. Normally she would have driven herself to where her date was taking her or made sure she had some money for a cab but her car is in the shop and she couldn't find her purse before her date showed up at her door. Ducky is in London at a Medical Examiner conference, Burley is at home with a broken ankle, so that leaves Decker or Gibbs. If she calls Decker, he'd take one look at her and demand who did this before he goes and beats them to a bloody pulp and kills them for hurting her and after the night she's had, she's in no mood to witness violence and murder. So Gibbs it'll have to be. She decides before pressing the first speed dial and holding the device to her ear, instantly hearing her boss' gruff voice in her ear.

Phone call

"Gibbs." He answers.

"Gibbs, it's Shepard." She says, her voice shaking as the events start to hit her.

"Shepard, you okay?" Her boss asks her, his concern for her palpable over the phone. Jenny shakes her head before remembering that he can't see her.

"No." She tells him with a sob. "Will you come pick me up?" She asks her boss as she swallows a lump in her throat. She hears Gibbs sigh.

"Where are you?" With a watery smile that he can't see, the young agent gives her boss the address.

"I'll be there soon, hang on tight, Shepard." Gibbs says sternly before he hangs up.

Phone call

The redheaded agent lowers her phone and puts it back in her purse before she wraps her arms around herself in an attempt to warm herself and give herself some comfort.

A while later, she's blinded by the headlights of a blue NCIS Issued car. The car pulls to a stop in front of her and the drivers side door opens to reveal her boss, Leroy Jethro Gibbs. "Shepard, you okay?" He asks her again as he walks over to her, taking off his coat and putting around her bare shoulders. "Gibbs." Jenny says as tears roll down her face. "I'm here, Shepard." Her boss tells her gently as he leads her to the car and helps her into the passenger side of the car before getting in the other side and driving away. 

The car's warm and silent. Gibbs hasn't asked why she called him to pick her up or why she has a bruise forming on her jaw or why her eyes are still full of tears, until he pulls into his driveway and kills the engine, looking at her in the darkened car. "Shepard, what the hell happened to you tonight?" He asks, Jenny just sniffles and shakes her head at her. She can't deal with revealing it all to him tonight. "Gibbs, please not tonight." She says softly, pulling his jacket closer around her to keep warm. Her boss exhales deeply. "Alright, you don't have to tell me tonight, but just know: whenever you're ready to talk about what happened, I'll be here." Jenny nods. She knows he'll be there for her. He always is. She's surprised when Gibbs pulls her into a hug and rubs her back, coaxing her to let it all out and she does, for over ten minutes. "It's okay, Shepard, it's okay." Her boss is saying softly. Jenny pulls out of the hug and wipes her eyes. "Ugh." She groans. "Do you mind taking me home?" She asks. If she's being truthful, she doesn't want to go home to an empty house but she can't exactly stay the night at her boss' place. What would people think if they found out she had stayed the night? Gibbs shakes his head. "No, you're staying the night, I don't want you alone tonight and I doubt you want to be alone tonight either, You'll stay the night." He says firmly. Jenny just nods, not having the will or energy to argue with him when she agrees with him on what he's said. "Thanks, boss." The youngest agent of Team Gibbs says as they both get out of the car and enter the male agents home. Her boss gives her a rare smile. "Come on, Shepard." She follows the former marine into his house.

Dressed in one of Gibbs' USMC hoodies and the smallest pair of sweats he owns, and holding a cup of sugary coffee, Jenny watches as her boss sands his boat. "Why'd you call me and not Decker?" Gibbs asks over the sanding noises. Jenny smiles. "Because you wouldn't go out, hunt the guy down, beat him until he's black and blue, then kill him for what he did to me, with me as a witness." She tells him. Gibbs just chuckles. "I'd do all that and more, I'd just wait until you're asleep." Jenny rolls her eyes and giggles. "Thanks for picking me up, boss." Jenny says as the sounds of Gibbs sanding his boat lull her into a fitful slumber. As the last bit of sleep claims her, she feels a fluffy blanket being placed on her and her coffee cup being gently pulled from her grasp. "Sweet dreams, Shepard." Gibbs whispers to her. 

A week later is when Jenny finally decides to tell her boss what happened the night she called him to pick her up after the fourth nightmare in a tow wakes her up. She walks up to his desk where he's doing paperwork. "Can we talk?" She asks before she leads him to the elevator. Gibbs meets her in the elevator and pushes the emergency switch.

"This about why you called me to pick you up last week?" Jenny nods slowly before taking a deep breath.

"Uh, I had a date that night and at first it was like a normal date: he took me to a restaurant, paid the bill, took me out to his car but instead of opening the door, he pinned me up against and started kissing me and feeling me up. I tried to fight but I didn't have my gun or knife on me, he punched me in the jaw to quiet me, and he would've done it if I hadn't stood on his foot and kneed him in the crotch. He got spooked then, shoved me aside and drove away, leaving me alone. God Gibbs, I was so scared." She says as tears stream down her face. Gibbs immediately pulls her into his arms, stroking her hair.

"Shh, Jen, you're safe now. He didn't do anything, you're safe." Gibbs tells her, Jenny just sighs as her tears slow to a stop.

"Thanks boss." She says into his shoulder as he tightens his arms around her. "Anytime, Shepard." Her boss replies.

Jenny shakes her head as the memory ends. She's always dreaded to think what would've happened to her that night if she had kneed him or if Gibbs hadn't picked up his cell. She always thought weather or not if that night would've been her last if her date had raped her then killed her so she couldn't identify him. She shudders again as she sips her coffee.

She's glad Gibbs picked up his cell and got her without hesitation.

A\N: Oneshot 6 is complete, Angels. Tomorrow I'm meeting with my surgeon about my jaw surgery so if I don't update, I'm sorry. I hope you Angels enjoy this oneshot. 

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