A million memories of us: The argument: Gibbs POV

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A\N: This will be a two parter of an argument between Gibbs and Jen. The first part is in Gibbs' POV then it will be Jenny's POV but I'm not sure whether to give this one some time because this one has given me a little bit of writer's block, I'll figure it out. I hope you enjoy, Angels.

Oneshot 9 title: The argument: Gibbs POV

Oneshot 9 summary: Gibbs and Jen have an argument in the bullpen of MCRT

POV: Third person.

Chapter count: 1.

It's been two months now since he was blown up and retired to Mexico and everyday he has consumed with memories of him and a pretty redhead called Jennifer Shepard, who was once his probie and partner, and he assumes something more than partners if his memories and flashbacks he's had are anything to go by. Before he can think too much about his flashbacks and memories he's had, another memory rolls over him, like a wave and like a wave, it takes him by surprise and submerges him.

"Please tell me you're kidding?" His redheaded agent asks with a scoff as she looks at him from where she's leaning against her desk with her arms folded across her chest, her green eyes narrowed at him. Gibbs shakes his head. "No, I'm not kidding, Shepard. You're off this case." He tells her firmly. "You can't do that!" She yells at him, catching the attention of every agent nearby. Gibbs sighs and glares at her. "Yes I can, Agent Shepard. I'm your boss and the Team Leader, so I can pull you off any cases I see fit and I say that you are off this case, Special Agent Shepard." He growls at the redhead who is glaring at him. "You're a bastard." She mutters quietly but he hears her anyway. He's had enough of his agent having a temper tantrum. "Agent Shepard, as I'm Team Leader, I can pull any members of my team off any active cases if I feel like they are getting personally involved, which you are, therefore you are off this case whether you like it or not and if that makes me a bastard then it makes me a bastard, I don't care but you are off this case." He tells her quietly, his youngest team member just rolls her eyes and throws her hands in the air as a sign of defeat. "Fine. fine, you win." She snaps at him angrily before storming out of the bullpen. He groans as he sits on his desk, massaging his temples to fight an oncoming headache. He wants this latest case over and he wants it over now! 

His agent reappears in the bullpen seeming as angry as she was 30 minutes ago when she left the bullpen. She walks to her desk and grabs her bag. Gibbs looks up from the file he's reading and frowns. "Where do you think you're going?" He asks his youngest agent sharply, Shepard huffs. "I thought it was obvious. I'm going home, seeing as I'm off the case, I don't see any reason to stick around." She answers. Gibbs looks at his agent with annoyance as he stands up and fixes her with his sharpest glare that has the boys flinching. "I don't think so, Shepard." He tells her firmly. Shepard opens her mouth to say something but he holds up his hand to prevent her. "Look, Shepard, when I pull you off a case, it doesn't give you the right to pack up and go home. Is that understood?" He explains to her, Shepard nods once and puts her stuff back behind her desk and sits down, glaring at him, which he isn't fazed by, he's used to being glared at. "Until this case is done, you'll be working on cold cases." He picks up a file from his own desk and hands it to her and watches as she rips the file open and starts reading. He leans back against his own desk with a smirk.

You should know by now Shepard, that you won't win an argument with me. The former Marine thinks to himself smugly.

Smirking, Gibbs comes out of the memory. Over the years, he and Shepard had their fair share of arguments but for some reason that one is always his favourite and he doesn't know why.

A\N: This one is a short one because my writer's block is still lingering, but hopefully not for much longer. I hope you enjoy, Angels. 

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