A million memories of us: Cold

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A\N: This oneshot will be quite short because my jaw is hurting and this is the last finished handwritten oneshot I've completed.

Oneshot 11 title: cold

Oneshot 11 summary: Jenny is cold after a suspect pushes her into a half frozen lake.

POV: Third person

Chapter count: 1.

She's feared lakes, streams, rivers and brooks ever since she was pushed into a half-frozen lake by a suspect and Gibbs had to drag her up. She shivers even now as the haunted memory overtakes her.

She falls through the icy water before she can scream for help. The water drags her down fast, the icy water chilling her to the bone. She's too cold to try and swim to the top of the lake so she lets the water drag her down to the bottom of the lake, her eyes slowly shutting.

 Suddenly her eyes snap open as something drags her upwards to the top of the lake by her waist. Her green eyes are locked on a familiar man's blue eyes. It's not something, it's someone. Her brain tells her numbly as Gibbs breaks through the top of the lake, dragging her out with him. She falls onto the bank, expelling the lake water from her lungs, coughing until her lungs burn, a hand is on her back, rubbing it up and down. After she finishes coughing she sits up on her knees and shivers violently. "G...Gibbs." She says quietly, her teeth chattering. "I know, Shepard, I know." He says softly. Her boss wraps a soaking wet arm around her and pulls her closer to him in an attempt to warm her up. It doesn't work but she appreciates him trying. 

She's in the bullpen, holding a cup of hot coffee in her cold hands, wearing her gym stuff and Will's oversized hoodie that she swims in but she doesn't mind. Ducky had examined both agents and had said that if Gibbs had been a minute later jumping into the lake and dragging her out, she'd be dead from hypothermic shock and being so cold in a matter of seconds, something which made her shiver. Will and Stan had arrested the suspect that pushed her into the lake and had given him a few good punches for hurting their friend and colleague while Gibbs had rescued Shepard. She still feels freezing despite everything her team is doing to warm her up as quickly as possible. "You'll warm up soon, Shepard." Her boss says as he drapes a heated fluffy blanket around her shoulders. "God, I hope so boss." She says, shivering slightly. "Hey boss?" She says as the man sits down at his own desk opposite her own. "Yeah, Shepard?" He replies. Jenny gives her boss a smile. "Thanks for rescuing me." Gibbs shoots her a real, rare smile. "I'll always rescue you, Jen." 

Jenny wipes the two tears that have fallen away from her face. Ever since that day she was pushed into the lake, Jethro has always rescued her and she knows that even through she's the Director now and he's 'retired', he'll always rescue her from whatever situation she's in, like he did when she was kidnapped by James Dempsey a few months ago.

He'll always rescue her.

A\N: I know no medical stuff about Hypothermic shock or body temperatures, so sorry if this is incorrect. This will be the last oneshot of A million memories of us for awhile as I've got jaw appointments and job meetings as well as other stories that need to be finishes, written and published, so I hope you will all bear with me while I get back on track with my other stories for other fandoms. I love you Angels.

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