A million memories of us: A shot to the thigh

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A\N: This is my 19th memory where Jenny got shot in the thigh in the Former Czech Republic. This one will be short because I have no idea what the hell the Former Czech Republic is apart from that it is a country. I hope you enjoy this one, Angels.

Oneshot 19 title: A shot to the thigh.

Oneshot 19 summary: Jenny takes a shot to the thigh while on a mission with Jethro and Decker in the Former Czech Republic.

POV: Third person

Chapter count: 1

Jenny Shepard, NCIS Director, has always been prone to scars. It comes with suspects shooting at them instead of coming peacefully. She has scars all over her body, from gunshot wounds, knife fights, scars from suspects who had scratched her with their nails while they were struggling. She has other scars she acquired as a child, before she even joined NCIS. but the most memorable scar she has, she received to her thigh while undercover in the Former Czech Republic with Jethro and Will Decker. That scar and the way she got it will always be in the back of her mind.

She whimpers as the sounds of gunshots fill her ears. 

She didn't know she was hit until the pain rippled through her, she heard gunshots around them but she didn't think the people firing them would hit anything, they were poor marksmen after all, but they've managed to to hit her, in her leg. She doesn't scream or make any noise of pain but she does drop to her knees, her gun dropping to the floor, her hand instinctively going to where she was hit.

"Jethro!" She screams when she can't handle the pain anymore, she doesn't care who hears her call her boss by his first name. She hears footsteps running towards her,

"Jen," Jethro says as he crouches in front of her. "what the hell happened?" He asks her, she looks at him as tears stream down her face. "S...shot." She says through gritted teeth. She lets out a scream as Jethro gently removes her hand from her leg. "Christ, Jen. They got you in the thigh." He says as another pair of footsteps reach them. Decker.

"Boss, she okay?" Her best friend asks as he kneels beside her. Jethro shakes his head. "No, she's been hit in the thigh." Jethro tells Decker quickly before looking at Jenny.

"Jen, I'm going to have to pick you up and carry you to the car and remove the bullet, okay?" Jethro asks, Jenny nods her head in pain as her eyes close.

Jethro slides a hand behind her knees and behind her back and picks her up in his arms.

She doesn't know if she screams before she passes out because of the pain, but she's glad for the respite from the pain.

Jenny comes to with a groan. A hand is in hers, rough yet gentle. She knows who it is. She opens her eyes with some difficulty. Her eyes land on a pair of icy blue irises.

"Hey, Jen." Jethro says softly. She smiles a dopey smile at him. "You'll be alright, Jen." Jethro tells her as he hands her a glass of water, helping her take a sip of water.

"What happened?" She asks, her voice weak and barely there. She remembers being shot at but nothing beyond that.

"We were on a mission last night, they were shooting at us, one of them hit you, you took a round to the thigh. I managed to get the bullet out. You'll be fine, but you're on bed rest until I say so." He says firmly. Jenny nods, patting the other side of their bed. The bed dips with his weight and he wraps his arms around her. She rests her head on his chest.

"You scared me last night, Jen." Jethro says as he kisses her hair. She snuggles closer to him.

"S...sorry." She says with a yawn. Jethro chuckles.

"Go to sleep, Jen, I'll wake you up when I need to check on your stitches." Jenny nods as she breathes in the scent that lingers on his t-shirt and finds herself falling asleep in his arms.

Jenny has always loved that scar on her thigh because it signifies that the love of her life was willing to make himself extremely uncomfortable to save her life. 

Even though Jethro had made the stitches as small as he could, the bullet wound still left a scar on her inner thigh.

She'll hold onto all of the scars she has on her, visible and invisible scars, but the one she got while undercover, will be the one she'll hold on to for all eternity.

A\N: This one is short but sweet, like Christmas! This the second memory in a day, I hope you enjoy, Angels.

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