A million memories of us: Questions and Answers: Gibbs' POV

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A\N: Good afternoon my beautiful Angels, Happy Halloween. As I said in my last chapter, this part of Questions and Answers, this Gibbs' POV of his memory on the night Jenny asked him that question she asked him. I hope you enjoy it, Angels.

Oneshot 3 title: Questions and Answers: Gibbs' POV.

Oneshot 3 summary: After a hard case, Jenny goes to her boss for some comfort, a glass of her favorite wine and to ask some questions and hopefully get some answers.

POV: Third person.

Chapter count: 1.


During his time at NCIS, he was asked awkward questions, easy questions, rhetorical questions, questions that required a difficult answer, but he had answered them with little time to think for an answer, but there had been one question, just one, that he's never been able to answer and it was asked by her. Despite his memory being fuzzy on parts about her, he recalls the night she had asked this question like it was asked to him last night, almost 7 years ago when she was a probie.

He's bending over the worktable in the basement when he hears the sound of heels clacking above him. He smirks to himself, he knows who it is. He should've known that she couldn't convince herself that she doesn't need comfort. He hears her heels descending down the basement steps. "Hey boss." His new agent says. Gibbs looks up from where he's hunched over his work table and gives her a small smile. "Hey Shepard, glad you came." He says to her as he straightens up. "Thanks for inviting me. Kinda." His agent replies. Gibbs walks over to a sawhorse and sits on it, his head cocked to the side as he looks at Shepard. He notices that her eyes are red and puffy, a sign that she's been crying. "You okay?" He asks her, he knows how hard this last case was for them, especially for his new agent. "No." She answers as her eyes fill up with tears. Gibbs sighs as he watches his agent. He gets up and walks to the basement stairs, motioning for the redhead to follow him, he hears her heels following a few seconds later.

He walks into the kitchen where half of his liquor is stored and grabs a wine glass, a tumbler, a bottle of bourbon and a full bottle of unopened wine, which happens to be her favourite. He pours each of them a generous amount of their beverage and hands Shepard's wine to her which she takes with a smirk. "Thought you only had bourbon, boss." She says before taking a sip of the wine. The former Marine throws her a mock glare before replying to her. "I do occasionally have female guests, Shepard." He tells her as he walks out of the kitchen and sits on the couch in the living room, his agent not far behind him. He keeps his eyes on her as she slips off her murderous looking deathtraps she calls shoes and sits down beside him, groaning. "Ugh." the redhead says as she drains her wine glass "One of the hardest cases we've had in a while." She says. The Team Leader can only nod in agreement with her. Shepard was right: it was one of the hardest cases they've had in a while, although cases involving dead children are always the hardest ones to deal with. "Yeah it was, but we caught the bastard." He says as Shepard gets up and refills her wine glass and returns to the couch, this time with the bottle in her other hand, it was always rewarding to catch the bastards who did this and make sure they would never see the sunlight again. The silver haired former Sniper allows himself one swallow of his drink before he starts telling Shepard he's sure no one has ever told her before.

"Look, Shepard, the case was awful, yes but you've gotta learn to keep the emotion out of it until it's solved and the bastard is behind bars or dead. I know there are cases where we all wanna tear heads off of everyone we see and punch the hell out of punching bags but that won't change the outcome of the victims. They're dead and we can't do anything to change that but we can fight like hell to give them and their families the justice they deserve." The Team Leader stops giving his advice and sees the tears that she's kept away during the whole case flow down her face and pry's the wine glass out of her hand and pulls her into a hug, a hug which she clearly needs. "Let it out, Shepard." He coaxes as he rubs her back. The tears that are dripping onto his shoulder turn to full blown sobs that she's repressed. "Why?" His agent asks through her sobs. He knows what she's asking him: Why do people kill? Gibbs closes his eyes as her question washes over him. He's never been asked this question before and he has no idea why people would kill each other, so he can't answer a question when he doesn't know the answer.

"I don't know." He responds as he kisses her temple. "I just don't know, Jen." He lets himself hold her as cries.

Even though she asked him that question nearly 7 years ago, he still hasn't got an answer for her. He wants the answer himself even though it's more than likely that neither he nor Jen will get the answer they're looking for. But that won't stop him, he'll keep searching for the answer to all her questions until his last dying breath because she deserves answers.

A\N: Gibbs' POV of Answers and Questions is complete, I hope you enjoy Angels and Happy Halloween. 

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