A million memories of us: Nightmares in Paris

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A\N: I'm aware that a few of my JIBBS stories already have the title but I love doing oneshots where JIBBS have nightmares in Paris.

Jenny has had nightmares, so it's Gibbs' turn to have nightmare, but they're in Paris

Oneshot 15 title: Nightmares in Paris

Oneshot 15 summary: Jenny witnesses Jethro having a nightmare in Paris and tries to wake him up.

Chapter count: 1

POV: Third person

For some reason, the night she witnessed Jethro having a nightmare while Paris has never left her mind and she doesn't know why. It's one of those memories where no matter how hard she tries, it just won't leave her head. She groans as it crosses her mind again without warning.

She wakes up to the sound of moaning, not the good, pleasuring kind of moaning, it's more of a pained moan. She turns to face her sleeping lover. Her sleeping lover is tossing his silver head back and forth on his pillow, pained moans and silent shouts slipping from his mouth.

A nightmare. Her sleep filled brain tells her before she puts her hand on his t-shirt clad shoulder.

"Jethro, wake up it's just a nightmare." Jenny says quietly. Jethro doesn't wake up or even stir when she speaks.

"No!" Jethro cries out in his sleep, his head thrashing on the pillow violently. She grounds internally before shaking his shoulder hard.

"God damn it Jethro, wake up! It's a nightmare, you're safe, just wake up!" She barks at him. If this doesn't wake him up, she doesn't know what will. 

Jethro's icy blue eyes snap open and she doesn't like what they show: complete and utter terror. Jenny drops her hand from his shoulder. "You're okay, Jethro, it was just a nightmare. You're safe now." As soon as the word 'safe' leaves her mouth, she's kissed deeply by him. They pull away from each other, Jenny panting as she tries to catch her breath. Jethro stares into her eyes, the terror slowly dissipating in his own with each second that passes. "Promise me you won't leave, Jen." He demands, fear visible on his face and heard in his voice. Jenny nods her head, silently telling him she won't leave him. Jethro breaths a sigh of relief, his whole body visibly relaxing when he gets her promise. She sighs, a smile forming on her face, as she leans her head on his t-shirt clad chest

"Go back to sleep, Jethro, I'll still be here when you wake up." She soothes just as she feels Jethro's lip skim her red hair before they both fall asleep, dragged into a nightmare-free sleep, wrapped in one another's arms, taking comfort from the other as the sun starts to rise in the sky.

When she first left him in Paris, this was the memory that tortured her at night as she lay in bed in Spain, over time it began to fade, only resurfacing when she didn't want it to. Even six years after that night, it still haunts her, maybe it's because it was the only nightmare she ever witnessed him having throughout her time as his probie and his lover.

Seeing the terror in his blue eyes will forever haunt her, even in death.

A\N: I know updates are slow but I'm still handwriting the oneshots, not to mention how time consuming editing each one of them is, so please bear with me. I have a personal life that is a mess and I need to sort that out before writing *unfortunately.* Yesterday I published my 14th oneshot of A million memories of us, and have a ton more to write as well as some new unrelated NCIS stories, so keep an eye put, enjoy Angels. (Oh and it's 0010 in the UK) 

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