A million memories of us: Questions and Answers: Jenny's POV

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A\N: This is the third JIBBS oneshot of the series,this one has little bit of both Jenny and Gibbs' POVs in it because I think it's important to include both of them in this one, I hope you enjoy this one Angels.

Oneshot 3 title: Questions and Answers: Jenny's POV

Oneshot 3 summary: After a hard case, Jenny goes to her boss for some comfort, a glass of her favorite wine and to ask some questions and hopefully get some answers

POV: Third person.

Chapter count: 1.

Instead of drinking Bourbon like she usually does after a hard day, Jenny decides to change it up a bit and drink her favourite wine. Standing up from her couch in her living room, she walks into her kitchen and grabs a wine glass from her cabinet and a bottle of her favourite wine from the wine fridge before pouring herself a generous amount and turning around to face the sunset outside her kitchen window, her wine glass clutched in a death grip between her fingers as she rises it to her mouth and takes a swallow. She can't remember the last time she had this wine after she met Jethro. Actually, one memory comes to mind when he gave her a glass of the very wine she's drinking. She closes her green eyes as she allows the memory to wash over her.

She sits in her car, a '95 Chevrolet Impala, which was the last gift her father ever gave her before his murder last year, staring at her boss's house, contemplating whether or not to go inside.

They're most recently solved case was a hard one for all of them: a three year old little girl was raped, murdered and butchered before being dumped in the woods to be devoured by hungry animals. The case put the team through different emotions which resulted in Gibbs talking to each of them privately and asking if they wanted to sit out of the case and that he wouldn't hold it against them if they did, none of them did sit out on the case. Throughout the case, Jenny was angry at everyone, including her boss and team members but now that the case was solved and the dirt bag was behind bars, all the redheaded agent was feeling was sorrow. She knows why her boss had said 'I leave my door unlocked' to her as she was leaving because he knows that she likes to go out drinking after a hard case which results in one the three male agents being called to get her from whichever bar she's in. This way if she's with her boss, she's safe, not alone and around someone who knows the emotions she's going through. She knows that he's secretly hoping that Jenny would come here instead of going out alone after a brutally hard case that involved a baby.

Deciding that she really needs a drink and to vent, Jenny gets out of her car and walks into her boss' house, closing the door behind her. Her heels clack against the wooden floor but she doesn't see her boss anywhere.

"Boss?" She calls out, walking deeper into the house. "Down here, Shepard." She hears being called from a door near her. She takes a deep breath, if she's being honest with herself, she's nervous to be alone with her boss after he kissed her while they were undercover at a DC nightclub a month ago, a kiss which she has almost forgotten about but her boss hasn't brought up the fact that he had kissed her, which she's grateful for. She walks to the door and opens it, noticing that the stairs lead to a basement.holding onto the railing, Jenny makes her way down the steps to her boss, regretting that she's wearing heels.

Down in the basement safely, Jenny lets her jaw hang open at what she's seeing. In the middle of the basement is a boat. A boat! Her boss is building a boat in his basement. "Hey, boss." She says, getting his attention. Gibbs looks up from where he's hunched over his work table and gives her a small smile. "Hey Shepard, glad you came." He says to her as he straightens up. "Thanks for inviting me. Kinda." She replies. Gibbs walks over to a sawhorse and sits on it, his head cocked to the side as he looks at her. "You okay?" He asks her quietly, throughout the entire case he's asked her this question and every time he's gotten the same answer. "No." She answers as her eyes fill up with tears. The man who's her boss gets up from his sawhorse and starts walking up the stairs, motioning her to follow him which she does. She follows him into the kitchen where he's pouring a glass of wine and a tumbler of bourbon. The wine bottle, she notices, is her favourite wine. How does he know my favourite brand of wine? She asks herself as she's handed the glass, she smirks. "Thought you only had bourbon, boss." She says before taking a sip of the wine. Her boss throws her a mock glare. "I do occasionally have female guests, Shepard." He says as he walks out of the kitchen and sits on the couch in the living room. Jenny follows and slips off her heels before she next to him, sipping her wine. "Ugh," she groans, draining her wine glass. "One of the hardest cases we've had in a while." Jenny says. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees Gibbs nodding in agreement with her. "Yeah it was, but we caught the bastard." Jenny only hums before getting up and refilling her wine glass and returns to the couch, this time with the bottle in her other hand, Gibbs looking at her before he starts talking to her. "Look, Shepard, the case was awful, yes but you've gotta learn to keep the emotion out of it until it's solved and the bastard is behind bars or dead. I know there are cases where we all wanna tear heads off of everyone we see and punch the hell out of punching bags but that won't change the outcome of the victims. They're dead and we can't do anything to change that but we can fight like hell to give them and their families the justice they deserve." Tears fall down her face as Gibbs pry's the wine glass out of her hand and pulls her into a hug. "Let it out, Shepard." Her boss coaxes as he rubs her back. The tears turn to sobs as her mind shows her the mental picture of the baby it took. "Why?" She sobs, knowing that Gibbs would know her question. Her boss strokes her hair and kisses her temple. "I don't know, Jen, I just don't know." He says as she stays in his arms.

Jenny comes out of the memory with her wine glass empty and still in her grasp. That night was the first time he ever called her 'Jen' and ever since then it was a name only he called her in private. She's never gotten an answer to her 'why' question and she doubts she will, after no one really knows why people kill other people, let alone rape, murder and butcher an innocent three year old baby who was killed just because she was crying too loud because she was sick and leave her out in the woods like garbage. When she had asked him that question, she had only been at NCIS for 2 months and was still wrapping her head around the fact that there were people out in the world who took lives, young lives, without a care in word, for the littlest reasons but now, being the Director, she's faced more horror and gore than she'd like to admit and has long given up asking questions she won't get answers to.

It's better to know the answers to the questions you've already asked, rather than poke at the answers you might never get answered.

A\N: When I was writing this oneshot, I didn't expect it to be having two parts but alas here we are, finished with Jenny's part of the memory and onto Gibbs' part of the memory while he's in Mexico. I hope you Angels have enjoyed Jenny's part. Gibbs part of the memory will be uploaded tomorrow as it's almost 0000 here in the UK, goodnight and enjoy my Angels.

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