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A/N: A million memories of us is finished. Thank you for reading, adding this to your favorites and reviewing A million memories of us. I truly appreciate it. I have some other stories I will be working on from now until Christmas. Have a good holiday Angels.

Gibbs' POV:

I'm handed a lighter by my wife. I flick the lighter on with my thumb and hold the flame to the corner of the letter, the one I found in Jen's coat pocket 7 years ago, my blue eyes glued to the orange flames as they devour the lies my wife wrote. I drop the burning page onto the grill and take my wife's hand in mine, both of us watching as the letter that ruined our lives for 7 years is finally destroyed. Jen leans into me, leaning her shoulder on my shoulder, I smile and kiss her hair. The letter is a pile of ash at the bottom of the grill in a few minutes. Both me and Jen are silent until she pulls out of my arms and kisses me. The kiss is soft, gentle and only lasts a few seconds. "I'm sorry, Jethro." I close my eyes. Even all these years later, she still blames herself. "Jen, stop. Please." I say as my eyes open and I look at my wife who has flakes of snow in her red locks. Jen sighs and nods before pulling me into a hug, a hug we both desperately need right about now.

"I love you, Jethro." Jen whispers as she breaks the hug and leads me into the house and up the stairs to our bedroom.

I smile as I watch my wife brush her red hair in her mirror. I'm glad I finally burned that letter. I wrap my arms around her and kiss her cheek. "You are so beautiful, Jen." I say against her cheek. Jen laughs. "You always tell me that." Jen replies as I tighten my arms around my wife. "I love you Mrs Gibbs." I say, I'll never tire of having those 5 words pass my lips. Jen twists in my arms so she's facing me.

"I love you too, Mr Gibbs." Jen replies as she kisses me deeply.

I'm glad I didn't burn that letter 7 years ago.

Jenny POV:

I've got a million memories of us, of me and my husband, some of them I need to relive but for right now, I've got a million more memories of us I need to make.

In some ways I'm glad Jethro retired after he got blown up and left for 4 months because it gave me a chance to relive the memories I'd had forgotten or forgotten but thanks to his 'retirement' I've never forgotten or buried any of the million memories I've had of me and Jethro.

A\N: A million memories of us are complete! I know this is a short epilogue but as the saying goes, short is sweet!

Thanks Angels. *I'm publishing this with 3-4 minutes to midnight.* Have a good night, Angels. 

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