A million memories of us: Coffee and the dog called Rex

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A\N: Oneshot 5 of A million memories of us is a oneshot that I have no idea where it came from, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.

Oneshot 5 title: Coffee and the dog called Rex

Oneshot 5 summary: Jenny has bonded with a dog who is accused of murdering his owner (kind of that NCIS season 5 episode which I can't remember) and Gibbs brings her coffee for the first time.

POV: Third person.

Chapter count: 1.

Leroy Jethro Gibbs sees a black and white Border Collie puppy running along the beach, which causes a memory he thought he'd forgotten about until now.

Leroy Jethro Gibbs is standing in line at his regular coffee shop when his mind suddenly drifts to the young redheaded agent on his team who most likely spent the night in the bullpen at her desk, guarding the dog she's taken such a liking to after they discovered the dog might be involved with the murder of his owner and his owner's Commanding Officer, something that his young redhead agent vehemently denies. The dog, a black and white Border Collie, wasn't allowed to leave the Navy Yard last night which caused an uproar between the Director and Jen who intended on taking the animal home with her for the night and for once Gibbs was happy that it wasn't who was getting yelled at by the furious redhead. 

Coming out of his head, Gibbs decides to get two coffees this morning: his regular large black coffee and Shepard's liquid doughnut. He knows that Shepard will appreciate coffee shop coffee instead of the coffee they have in the break room and no doubt she's been up all night watching the dog.

He can hear Shepard yelling at someone as he exits the elevator with the two coffee's in each hand. "He's innocent!" His agent is yelling. He sighs as he walks into the bullpen, cursing silently as he sees the Director in front of Shepard's desk with Shepard standing up and glaring at the head of NCIS, the black and white Border Collie at her side, giving the Director a side. The look on the dog's face would be considered cute to him if his agent wasn't yelling at his boss. "Shepard, enough." He says sternly, causing his agent to look at him. His young agent frowns. "But, boss, Director is saying that Rex isn't innocent." She argues. Gibbs hands her her coffee with a glare to silence the redhead, Jen takes the coffee with a glare of her own directed at both men. He closes his blue eyes. Oh god, the former marine thinks. she's named him. He opens his eyes and sighs. "Take Rex out for a walk while I talk to Director Morrow." A smile spreads across his agent's face as she starts talking to the dog, clipping on a leash to the collar she bought yesterday. "Wanna go for a walk, boy? Huh, do ya?" She laughs as the dog barks excitedly. Taking a hold of the leash in her free hand, Jen leads the black and white dog to the elevator.

Once the young agent and the dog are out of the bullpen, Gibbs turns to his boss with an apologetic smile. Morrow waves it away with a flap of his hand. "She's become attached to the dog, Jethro, this'll hurt her once the dog is found guilty and is destroyed." Morrow tells him gravely. Gibbs nods in agreement. "I know. We all know the dog had some part in his owner's death but Shepard can't see it because she's attached to the dog. I'm worried about her, Tom." Gibbs says with a sigh. He told Shepard not to get attached to the dog, but no she just had to go out and buy the animal everything he'll need for the next year! He watches as the Director walks into MTAC just as the elevator doors open and Jen's laughter reaches his ears. "Oh, good boy, Rex, good boy." Shepard coos as the dog lays down on his back on the bullpen floor and barks, demanding to have his stomach rubbed. He hopes, for Shepard's sake, that this case is solved quickly and the dog is found innocent or at least, isn't put down, because he doesn't know what Shepard'll do if her new friend is put down.

When he comes out of the memory, he remembers the rest of the dog case much more clearly now and remembers that the dog was found guilty and put down and when the handlers came for the dog, he had hold her back just as she went for the handlers and held her as she sobbed into him for over two hours. He felt awful about the dog, but he had told her not to get attached to the dog who she mourned for over a month before he snapped her out of it.

It's better not to get attached to things when they can easily be taken away from you without any warning. He had learned that one the hard way.

A\N: I hope you Angels had a good Halloween, this is my 5th oneshot for A million memories of us. I hope you enjoy it, Angels. 

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