A million memories of us: Happy birthday Daddy

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A\N: This is my second one today. I've always been fascinated the aftermath of Jasper Shepard's death would have had on his daughter, particularly on his birthday.

This is just a short memory of Gibbs helping her through the first birthday without her dad, considering he knows what she's feeling. Enjoy, Angels.

Oneshot 16 title: Happy birthday Daddy

Oneshot 16 summary: Gibbs helps his probie when it's the day before her deceased father's birthday.

Chapter count: 1

POV: Third person.

He's on the beach early in the morning when he realises what the date is and how his mind automatically goes to her and what she will be going through today and not for the first since he started reliving these memories, wishes he could go back to be with her.

She'd always been late into work on this particular day with red and puffy eyes as a probie and a few months before he was in that damned explosion was no different except for when he found out about her father's death, he was about to rip her a new one for how she had acted the entire week.

I wonder what she's acting like today. He thinks to himself with a smirk.

His smirk grows as the memory of his furious redhead who had Burley on the floor whimpering like a kicked dog and had Decker on his desk with his arm pinned behind his back assaults his mind.

He's not even exited the elevator when he hears it.

"Who moved my damn coffee cup?!" Gibbs hears his new agent yells angrily as he enters the squad room, walking into his area.

He almost drops his fresh coffee when he sees what he does: Burley on the floor in between all their desks, whimpering, Decker with his face pressed on top of his desk with his arm pinned behind his back by a furious redhead.

"Hey! What the hell is going on here?!" He barks, gaining his team's attention. Burley stops whimpering and Shepard and Decker book look at their boss.

"Boss, talk some sense into her." Burley says as he points to the redhead still holding Decker. "She's been on a warpath all damn day!" Gibbs nods: his youngest agent has been hard to work with this past week. "Shepard, with me now." He orders. He watches as Shepard releases Decker's arm and follows him to the elevator. 

He pulls the emergency brake on the elevator and turns to his agent. "What the hell is going on with you?" He asks her, Shepard crosses her arms over her chest and glares at him, her green eyes narrowing. "It's none of your concern, boss." She answers snappily. He just sighs. "When it starts affecting your work and you're in a mood all week, it does concern me." He retorts. "So I'll ask again: what the hell is going on with you?" He asks her again. He notices that her eyes are relaxed and full of tears, threatening to spill over and roll down her cheeks.

"It's my Dads birthday tomorrow and he's not here." She says as her face starts to crumple. He sighs softly. He knows what his agent is feeling. "How?" is all he asks. Shepard laughs without humour and exhales deeply.

"He was murdered, but to the Local LEOs and the Navy, he committed suicide because he took a bribe but he didn't take that bribe, nor did he kill himself. I was in the house, in my room, there was no way he'd kill himself if I was in the house and would hear it, he wouldn't do it anyway. He wasn't that kind of man. Anyway I'm sorry for being a bitch this week." She says, swallowing the lump in her throat and blinking away the tears. Gibbs just nods at his agent, silently saying that this whole conversation will stay between them and flips off the brake on the elevator, wincing when the doors to the metal box open. 

Shepard comes in late the next morning with red puffy eyes and drying tear stains on her face but he doesn't mention it. He decides that she can come in late this day without him ripping her head off.

She deserves that much.

Gibbs comes out of the memory shaking his head. Even though he never met Colonel Jasper Shepard and the man was rarely spoken about, it was clear he had raised a strong daughter who took no bullshit from anyone and would put anyone back in their place when they stepped out of line with her.

The former agent looks up at the sky and smiles a little.

"Happy birthday, Colonel." the silver haired man says unaware that in DC Washington, the Colonel's daughter is staring at the picture she has of her father beside the one of a silver haired former on her desk with tears flowing down her cheeks as she looks at two most important men in her life, both of whom have left her all alone.

"Happy birthday, Daddy." The redheaded woman says before picking up both pictures and stares at them.

A\N: This one is random but longer than my few previous memories. I'm currently working on memory 17. I'm not sure how many memories I want to write, but I do know that I want to write the memory of how Jenny left in Paris from both their perspectives, but for now, keep an eye out for unrelated JIBBS stories and a few more from my other favourite fandoms. Enjoy this one, Angles. 

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