A million memories of us: Fear

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A\N: This is my 10th oneshot! I'm not sure how many oneshots I should do of this series, I'm enjoying it soo much. I, of course, have other stories I need to update, edit and publish, so I might take a little break from A million memories of us after I've typed my most handwritten oneshot, but I will carry on working on this series in my spare time.

Anyway, enjoy Gibbs feeling fear for his youngest agent.

Oneshot 10 title: Fear

Oneshot 10 summary: The only thing Gibbs feels as he watches his young agent run into a burning house is fear.

POV: Third person

Chapter count: 1.

Leroy Jethro Gibbs rarely showed how he's feeling, especially in front of his agents, he bottled it all up until he was home surrounded by his boat and bourbon, but he'll always remember when he showed fear in front of his team. Firefighters, and local LEO's, this particular memory is one memory that will never leave his head and will often replay in his mind when he sleeps. 

The house that houses the parents and their 3 kids is already engulfed in orange flames and smoke by the time they get there. His youngest agent is out of the car and running towards the house before he even has a chance to kill the engine. He, along with Decker and Burley get out of the car just in time to see Shepard knock a firefighter to the ground and run into the burning house, freezes. fear gripping him. His agent, his Probationary agent just ran into a burning house to try and save a young family she's never met. "Shepard!" Gibbs roars, fear in his voice Why his agent would run into a burning house is beyond him but he can't think about the why's right now. He and the boys, along with Ducky, stare at the house, their eyes fixed on the burning house that holds their agent inside, waiting for her to come out, hopefully alive. 

Gibbs hates waiting for anything, and with his youngest agent inside a burning house, he's ready to start shooting people. Fear still grips at him, freezing his limbs: he has no idea if his agent is alive or dead, he doesn't know if his agent has found any survivors, he doesn't know if his agent can breathe with all the smoke clinging to the air, he has no idea if his agent has injuries from the flames, he doesn't know anything. 

Suddenly the silhouette of a firefighter exits the house, he has no idea that anyone followed her inside, with Shepard in his arms. The fear slowly leaves his body, allowing his limbs to move. He runs to his agent, followed by the boys and Ducky. "Shepard!" He shouts as he reaches her, pulling her into his own arms, giving the firefighter a grateful nod. "Shepard, you okay?" He asks his agent, but his agent doesn't respond to him like she usually does when he asks her something. "Jethro, I assume the girl has had a shock, let me look her over." The good doctor says from behind him. Gibbs turns aground and nods, carrying his agent over to an empty ambulance.

God he's so glad his agent is alive.

The Team Lead agent looks at his agent who is staring into space and clutching a cold cup of coffee, wearing NCIS sweats and a hoodie of his he has in his filing cabinet. His young agent hasn't spoken a word all day, something which they have all been concerned about, the agent is always talking about something Ducky had told them she's had a minor shock and that it'd wear off in a few hours. "Jen." He says quietly. It's just the 2 of them in the bullpen now, just like this morning, Jen doesn't respond. "Jen, can you speak to me?" He asks, Jen remains staring into space silently. Gibbs sighs as he gets up from his desk and kneels down in front of his redhead agent, prying the cup of coffee out of her hands, putting it on her desk, and taking her hands in his, staring into her emerald green eyes.

"Look, Jen, I don't know what you saw or witnessed in the house today, but I want you to know that, no matter what happens, no matter how long you wait to tell us what you saw in the house, me and the boys will be waiting here for you." Gibbs says to her gently, his eyes not leaving hers.

He and the boys would always be waiting for her, no matter what. 

To this day, Jen still hasn't told anyone what she witnessed in the burning house and her doubts she ever will, but he still stands by what he told her all those years ago:

He and the boys would always be waiting for her, no matter what.

A\N: This oneshot is completed. More oneshots on the way soon, keep an eye out. I hope you it Angels

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