A million memories: A broken heart and a t-shirt

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A\N: This is my 21st memory. This is my longest series I've ever written.

In this memory, Jenny nurses her broken heart two weeks after leaving Jethro in Paris.

Oneshot 21 title: A broken heart and a t-shirt

Oneshot 21 summary: Jenny nurses her broken heart two weeks after leaving Jethro in Paris.

POV: Third person

Chapter count: 1

She holds the black t-shirt in her hands up to her nose, she found it last night at the bottom of the drawer, hidden and out of sight. She knows it's useless to try and get a scent from the t-shirt that has been in a drawer for almost 7 years but she tries anyway, tears welling up in her green eyes when the memory of the last time she held this t-shirt in her hand. 

Tears make their way down her face as she holds the black material to her nose, inhaling the scent that has lingered there. It was the last shirt worn by Jethro, apart from the one he had on, that hadn't been washed yet. She stole it from him and put it in her suitcase before she had walked out of their apartment.

It's been 2 weeks since she left him on the plane in Paris with nothing but a coat and a letter in the pocket. In the two weeks since she left him, she tosses and turns in the bed, unable to sleep. She misses being cuddled up to him in bed, having his strong arms around her. She misses being held by him. She misses feeling protected by him as she sleeps beside him. She misses being woken up by him kissing her awake. She misses everything about him, she just misses him and it was the hardest decision she ever made choosing to leave him, even after their fight earlier that day and despite the fact she was in love with him.

She finally gives up trying to fall asleep and stares at the ceiling, her mind re-living the fight they had in their apartment only hours before she wrote that letter, telling him that it was over between them and putting it in her coat pocket which she left on the plane. 

She groans and turns to the window, watching the sun rise over the city she's in. Rome, Italy to be exact before heading onto Rota, Spain, where her new team is waiting for her. She's only been at NCIS for 4 years and already has a team waiting for her to arrive. She thought about telling Jethro about her promotion when she got offered it but hadn't decided whether she was going to take it yet, and didn't want it to be a slap in his face if she told him then decided not to take it. She didn't want to break either of their hearts but she ended up doing it anyway.

She'd carry that with her for the rest of her life. She can only hope she'll see him again so that she can apologize to him for breaking his heart.

Jenny comes out of the memory and drops the t-shirt. She'd had the chance to apologise to him for breaking his heart the day they saw each other again but he'd just lost an agent and was on a manhunt for the murderer. Jenny picks up the t-shirt, folds it back up and puts it back in her drawer, where it's been for the past 7 years. She should return it to him when he comes back.

IF he comes back. Her mind tells her sourly. 

A\N: This is officially my biggest story to date (by 1 chapter, but still) and it's only going to get longer with time. The next memory will be Gibbs' perspective of Jen's leaving him in Paris. I hope you Angels are having a good holiday season. I hope to have this completed by Christmas at the earliest.

Enjoy this, Angels. 

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