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I'm getting really tired of these fucking portals.

The pain is unbearable. But it's not like I want to keep crossing it. Whoever manages these damn things just doesn't know what side to toss me on!

Once I gave a final goodbye to Cherry, she cranked on the machine and I clung tightly onto Vadnar as we crossed worlds. Now I'm lying on mud, with a ringing in my ear and a desperate alien that's asking me if I'm alright. Vadnar seems to ignore his own pain to look over me. I moan that I'm fine, but that's not enough for him. He cradles me on his lap and repeats himself.

It's so bright I keep my eyes closed. But I know we're back on Zolan because the air is crispier. It has its distinct smell. I pull lungfuls in, missing it.

"I'm fine," I tell Vadnar for the umpteenth time. "Where... where is everyone?"

"The fort is nearby," he answers. "Don't worry. You're safe."

But is he safe? He's a wanted man. And if we're teleported too close to a town, he could be recognized and captured. I've dealt with too much bullshit this week. Losing Vadnar when I just got him back is not happening.

I squint my eyes, fighting a headache as I look around the muddy hole we seem to have landed in. I look for Ranrok in a final, pathetic attempt. But he's not here. He made his choice to stay behind in a foreign world—just like I did. I know I have to accept it, but it won't come easily.

"Let's find the fort," Vadnar says, standing and leading me to his back.

I don't even get to make a sound of protest before he heaves me onto his back and climbs out of the hole. At the top, we look around and find unfinished developments. Homes that were never built.

"We need to get to higher ground. I think I recognize where we are but I must check."

We trek higher up a hill, with Vadnar carrying me on his back because he's convinced I'm hurt. When we get to the top, I almost wish we didn't make it. We have a good view of the fort, and it's destroyed. Stone has collapsed everywhere, and black burn marks cover the grass. Our flags don't fly anymore. They were taken down. And the wooden gates lay torn down. The worst part of it all is the deadly silence.

Where is everyone?

"Dee, you must stay here. I will investigate."


He gives me a scalding look. "I sat with my arms crossed on Earth. But here, I am in charge. I will not lead you blindly into the dark."

I know he won't bend on this, so I sigh and turn my attention back to the fort.

Vadnar thanks me and kisses my temple. I'm left behind with our supply bag tightly clutched against my chest.

Vadnar slowly descends down the hill, taking cover behind the few trees as he approaches the fort. I don't see him enter from the west side, and anxiety crippled me as I wait many endless minutes for him to re-appear.

I dig my nails into the dirt, looking around desperately and considering looking after him. I know I'm not supposed to. That I should trust his skills, so I bite down on my lip and force myself to stay still.

Vadnar enters my line of sight minutes later, with two males beside him. Vaine and Hull. They look tired. Their clothes are ripped and dirty, and their faces hollow. Looks like they've been through a lot.

Seeing that no one is behind them, I run down the hill with my arms extended. Hull dives out of the way like I'm an incoming missle, but Vaine accepts me, jumping and laughing with joy.

The King (Zolan Book 3)  ✓Where stories live. Discover now