Chapter Sixty-Three: Deal

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Chapter Sixty-Three: Deal

"I'm so confused," Austin mumbled, shaking his legs like a half-maniac.

"When are you not?" Vanessa said, clutching my phone with all her might and looking half insane as well. 

"A few hours." I mumbled, the tears threatening to spill again. "A few more hours and al everyone would be talking is about me. People..." I stared aoutside the window of the supply closet. "...they've already started flocking in. My mom my dad... all the parents- they're all gonna know about it."

Jayden put his hand on my shoulder, rubbing it. "Queen, c'mon let's not think the worst of it..."

"Most of them know by now" I continued, not listening nor understanding what he was saying. "I should've just ... god, I didn't think it'd get this worse."

"Hey, at least you're hidden," Kate unhelpfully added, making everyone glare at her. 

I put my head in my hands, still thinking about the events of the last thirty minutes. 

Now that I was sure that the Blake thing and we weren't related at all, everything was going downhill. Somehow, having my head feeling like a molten tub of ice cream, I still thought about how absurd everything was starting to look like. 

 My day was basically entirely revolving around all of this now and now that Blake was kicked out of the football team, it was made sure that words... however it was- got out. 

 And last but not least... Me again. 

 Me- who had never had anything to do with school dramas- me who had never any involvement to gossips and who had always been a envious bystander to all of these interventions- was suddenly in one. 

 And I hated it. I was going to be the stupid topic of a stupid high school gossip for probably the whole stupid senior year to come. 

 My future children would be really interested in this. 

 But for the present though, my life was ruined. 

 "Your life is ruined," Austin voiced my thought, shaking his head and before he could say anything, everyone glared at him instead of Kate this time. 

My legs started bouncing in spite of myself, and I chewed my nails, looking out of the window. 

I had an overwhelming need to go online and watch what was happening but currently my phone was in Vanessa's custody since I started going haywire ten minutes ago which resulted in her snatching my phone away from me. 

"If you don't give me my phone, can you at least check it for me?" I asked desperately. I was so confused- I didn't want to check it at all honestly but something in me kept clawing my stomach which could only be suppressed if I'd saw what was going on. 

"No," Vanessa replied shortly and kept on twirling the phone. "Fuck you," I said to her. "Is that a threat or a to d..." 

"The joke's old, Van." "Right. Dammit." 

"They've done it finally," I said, shaking my head. "They've done it. The target was never you, Jayden, the target was me- and my brother." 

I was surprised my brain was functioning at this point. 

"That day what you heard in the locker room..."

"It fits." I said, "You were right, it is someone from the football team but in a way we never expected it to happen. And no... because all of what Blake was doing eventually backfired on him- it also involved me. So what actually remains is..."

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