Chapter Thirty-Five: He Poured Olive Oil On My Floor to Break My Neck

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Ayeeeeeeee!!! How's everyone doing?? I'm inside of a shithole all day and sometimes I just grip my hair scream bcz I basically have nothing to do now. Except for maybe Brooklyn Nine Nine but too bad I finished watching it.

Anyone watched The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina? It's so weird but for any reason...I can't stop watching it.

26 page counted on my tablet.

Read everbodayyyyyyy!!

Chapter Thirty-Five: He Poured Olive Oil on My Floor to Break My Neck.

MY COUSIN DIDN'T NECESSARILY spilled everything once I yelled that, but his eyes were unfocused. To somewhere else.

I assume he was too excited to be angry because even though he had a grownups body in 16 years, but he wasn't paying attention to it as he sits on the bed.

I guess he was comfortable with his own skin.

"We made out, what do you expect?" Eliot growled, eyes looking everywhere but me.

My eyes narrowed. "Is there more than that?"

His fingers twitched at that and then he gripped his hairs, plopping down on the bed.

"I got too carried away, cuz."

I bite my lips, just hoping that they didn't break up after one hour of dating. "What came?"

Eliot buried his face on the pillow, his strong shoulder blades on show. "I-I... Fuck! I'm an idiot!"

"Eliot," I gulped. "What did you do? Did she get mad?"

He snapped his head at me, too quickly that I wondered how he didn't get a whiplash.

"I-No why would she do that? She's not mad at me. I just... for my stupid idiot tics, I ... tried to..."

His eyes closed tightly as he whispered, but enough for me to hear. "I almost lost control. If it wasn't for her who stopped me, I would've... I don't know what I would've done. And it's been circling around my head from then. It felt like I was... I was..."

He audibly swallowed dry. "It felt like I was uncaged. Free."

I stared at him and he stared back, a pained expression written all over his face.

I slowly shake my head. "Then what happened?"

Eliot shrugged, breaking our eye contact. "We... talked."

I scooted closer to him. "Did you tell her about the... you know one year ago thing?"

He hesitantly open his mouth to answer but instead of that, he smally gave a nod. "She was shocked. Didn't say anything for a while."

And after a while, the 16 years old guy said. "I have to tell Mom and Dad."

I warily glanced at him. I didn't know how Charlotte and Greg took dating because although they were our close relatives, but not that close to know every string of them. "You sure Charlotte and Greg are okay with it?"

He weirdly eyed me, his fingers fiddling with the phone. "Of course they are. I've dated bunch of girls before."

There was a long pause before I started speaking again. "You are sixteen so I doubt that. But are you sure you want to keep this thing? You know how long distance relationships are."

Eliot rolled his eyes. "I'm aware and we want to keep this, okay? Besides, I could come here anytime! I'll do, for Mia's sake."

I was going to ask him another question but then I remembered about the amusement park and I yelled again. "Hey! I forgot to ask! How did it go in the amusement park?"

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