A light in the dark!

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Panick was overtaking my body as I was just fleeing from whatever that was. I didn't dare to look back at all as I was running straight without any plan at all. Somehow I had to get away but how? As blank as my mind was, I could start seeing more than just walls. There were things that were small but animal like again. Some had more scales and others didn't even had claws. They all passed right next and below me as I flew with full speed close to the ceiling. The only good thing about this place was the high ceiling.


I heard the roar coming from behind me and some yelping as well. It was totally focusing on me and me alone instead of everything else. I even feared that the thing was letting me run just because it was playing with me. Who knows? Maybe it was and it knew there was no escape... or there was a chance I could get away!

No matter how I looked at it, this hallways were going in a circle but had some side paths as well. I had to get away and just flying straight was not doing anything at all. This was what I thought until I got to a room with an even bigger ceiling.... no there was no ceiling. There was just debris on the floor.

I can get out!

I need to fly higher!

Just higher!

My optimistic mind told me that I could escape if I would just fly up but it was dark and no matter how up I would look, there was just this tiny white spot and that was it. How deep was I down beneath the earth or how high was the ceiling with that small light? I didn't know but if that meant that I could escape that thing, then be my guest.

As I just managed to get into the room and started flying up, I felt something scratch my leg and it hurt. My skin started burning but I didn't dare to focus or look at my leg as my heart was beating way too loud. All the instincs and alarm bells inside of me screamed at me to get higher.

Well I did.

Not as if there was another choice. It was only after I got through the debris and a bit higher that I could finally see where I was.

No way....



Floors and floors with railings on the side. Some even had glas windows and none of them had any kind of light. However I could hear the screams of these creatures echoing everywhere. Some were blood curling and others were just threatening. This was not a place someone like myself should be in... no... this was simply just a place filled with monsters of all sorts and kinds.

What do I do?

How do I get out of this?

I can't lose hope!

I need to survive!

I didn't manage to get this far just to end here!

Not if the light is soo close!

I stretched out my hand because I felt as if I could touch this light. I wanted to get out of this hell. I wanted to get back to the world of the living. I just... I... I had hope once again. 

My stamina however was not the best. I haven't used my wings in quite a while now. This was how I got tired just by getting up around 3 stories higher. Now I had a different problem.... where was I supposed to rest?

Where was I supposed to sit and just be myself..... there were floors with open railings. Maybe I could take a breather there... but what guaranteed me that I would be safe on these floors?


Nothing at all.... yet did I had any other chance?

While I had my hand still reaching for the light, I stopped reaching and cleanched it before pulling my arm back and put it right where my heart was. It hurt knowing that I was trapped down here for a while longer but this small hope was all I would for sure hold onto.

I have to rest....

I can't fly for long anymore... 

I need to rest no matter what....

My leg also burns... but I can't focus on that for now... yeah!

Let's not think abut it for now...

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