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The first practice sessions were done and I already had a good idea what kind of strategy to use.
Lando and Oscar both went to their driver rooms after their interviews to rest.

I decided to stay in the garage to work. The sound of laughter and mechanics working on the car definitely motivated me more.

Oscar was currently P1 in the championship followed by Lando on P2, it meant that Mclaren was doing an amazing job and so was I.

But I knew it was gonna cause arguments pretty soon. Oscar already thought I favored Lando, which wasn't true.

I was professional, I wanted them both to win, if that was possible.

After the second practice session, I went back to the hospitality to work on the strategy until we had our debriefing meeting.

"Did you eat already?" Lando asked, he put his hand on my back, very gently as if he already knew the answer to his question.

"Well.. no" I half smiled. He rolled his eyes and pointed at my laptop. "Close that for one minute, I'll grab some food"

I looked at him as he walked away. He was so cute to me lately, so caring, so soft.

"He's hot, right?" Georgia looked at Lando and back at me. He was hot yeah, but he was so much more.

"What do you want?" I sighed. I can't believe I used to be friends with her, I can't believe I trusted her.

"I am here to warn you, you're falling for him again while he cheated on you River" she leaned on the table and looked down at me.

I narrowed my eyes. I never told her about that, so if she knew, that must mean it's true.

Or she's just full of shit.

"Just give up Georgia, it's getting old" I said as I kept looking at her. "Look around, there are so many guys here, why do you keep trying to make Lando like you?"

She was taken aback by my comment, I could see that. She probably expected me to yell at her or be mad but I wasn't.

She just needed a little love, but she was searching in all the wrong places.

"Why do you think, River?" She said my name as if it was some kind of disease. "Because they all want you"

I started laughing but quickly stopped when I saw she was serious.

"Who are you tal-" I started but Lando disturbed us.

"Georgia, can you give us some privacy please?" He said as he put two plates down on the table and sat down.

"You're gonna regret this" she mumbled under her breath but Lando didn't seem too bothered about it. He pushed the plate in front of me and smiled.

"Eat" he laughed as he pushed my laptop even further away. I shook my head laughing as I started eating.

"What did she say?"

"Oh you know, how everyone in this paddock wants me" I pointed my fork to my chest and laughed.

He just rolled his eyes in response. "That's probably true but I already claimed you"

"Like a dog marking his territory?" I chuckled.

"Yes, don't laugh or I'll pee on you" he smirked as if he said something sexy.

I titled my head a little. "Is that your new kink?"

"Oh shut up" he laughed and not much later his trainer joined us to eat something as well. I didn't mind that, I liked Jon.

Lando and him were great together, they were constantly laughing together.
I've missed his laugh. Everyone liked being around him again and so did I.

Georgia was right, I was falling for him again but how could you not?

I rubbed my foot against his leg under the table, which made him look at me. He smiled and I fell even harder.

He grabbed my leg and put it on his lap, stroking my leg softly under the table.

And I fell head first.

Hollow River part 2Where stories live. Discover now