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"What the fuck are you doing?" Lando said as he stormed in Zak's office.

Alright, so he was gonna defend me. He didn't need to do this, but I also wasn't gonna fight this.

Zak looked at Lando and at me. "I am giving her an early break"

Lando chuckled, which I understood because it was a weird decision.

"And I'm not gonna change my mind, so both of you can leave now" Zak said as he dismissed us.

Lando wanted to say something back, but I grabbed his hand and pulled him with me.

This was useless anyways.

We walked out of Zak's office, I just wanted to get out of here and start my early summer break.

"Lando you can't leave, you still have to do-" Georgia tried to grab Lando's arm but he quickly interrupted her. "And you're fired"

Now it was my turn to smirk at her.

"Uh you can't do that" she followed us as we were walking outside. "Oh he can" I said as I turned my head to her.

"And I think I just did" Lando looked at me with a little smile. "Yeah you definitely did"

We both started laughing and walked through the paddock together.

"Did you do your interviews though?" I asked, he shook his head. I already suspected that he didn't because that's what Georgia was talking about.

"Oh for fuck sake Lando" I laughed, grabbed his hand and pulled him with me.

"What are we doing?" He intertwined our fingers and pulled me closer. "We are doing your interviews"

He would definitely get in trouble if he didn't do them and that was the last thing I wanted right now.

"We?" He titled his head. "I will be your PR manager today" I nudged him a little.

It honestly didn't matter who was standing next to him today, as long as he did his interviews.

We were obviously the last ones to arrive in the media pen and Lando did his interviews fast but still professional, for the most part.

"So Lando, you didn't want to come in when your engineer told you to" a journalist said. "Why?"

"Because my strategist told me not to"

Perfect answer. We loved to make people doubt a little bit. They were definitely gonna try to find out what happened, or why their strategist was standing next to him in the media pen.

But we weren't gonna tell them.

Zak wasn't gonna tell them, no one was.


I don't think Lando ever did his interviews as fast as today, but I definitely didn't mind because that meant that we would be cuddling even faster.

And I definitely needed cuddles after today.

That was exactly what we did. We changed into something more comfortable and crawled into bed together.

I put my head on his chest and all my worries seemed to fade away.
I felt safe with him, completely safe.

He had my back and I definitely had his. I wasn't gonna stay home next weekend, I was gonna be in the garage.

Not as their strategist, but to support Lando and maybe whisper some little strategies in his ear.

"You didn't need to defend me, I am tough you know." I whispered. He nodded softly. "I know you are"

"I can take care of myself" I mumbled as I put my head on his chest.

"You can" he agreed. His fingers brushed against my back in soft, gentle movements. "And you always will. I've just joined in. Now we take care of each other"

Hollow River part 2Where stories live. Discover now