56. *

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I rolled my eyes as I saw Georgia standing in front of Lando's room. Our room.

This girl wasn't giving up.

"Are you waiting for Lando?" I walked up to her. "No, I was waiting for you"

"Oh great then you found me" I was standing right in front of her. "I did" the smirk on her face got bigger.

"You know what annoys me? I would've been with Lando if you weren't around" she said.

And she definitely annoyed me. She was so delusional it was actually getting funny.

"This story is getting boring, I'm sorry but I'm tired" I tried to push her away to open the door of the hotel but she grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

She grew some balls. I would be impressed, if she wasn't pissing me off so much.

"What's your problem Georgia?"

She chuckled, grabbed a knife out of her pocket and pointed it at me. "You are my fucking problem"

Now she was really getting on my nerves. I was tired, hungry and definitely done with her.

"Nothing to say now huh? Where is your boyfriend now?" She put the knife even closer to my face.

"Georgia, there is one thing you need to know about me" I said softly. "I don't need a man to protect me"

'The people who consider you weak have not yet noticed the wolf hiding behind your eyes nor the flames inside your soul.

Let them think you are weak and do what wolves and fire do best.

Surprise them when they least expect it.'

It was something Christian used to tell me when I was younger.

I never understood it, but now I did.

I grabbed her arm and pushed her against the wall. It was so unexpected that she dropped the knife on the floor. She tried to pick it up but she was way too slow.

I grew up in foster homes and spend most of my time on the street. Did she really think this would scare me?

I picked up the knife and put it in the wall, right next to her head. "And if you don't stop this insane little game then I'll make sure this knife will be between your eyes next time"

"Am I making myself clear?" I asked, her face turned pale but she wasn't answering, not even a little nod. "Am I making myself clear?" I asked again, this time louder.

She nodded softly.

"Awesome, now go back to your hotel and leave us the fuck alone" I took a step back, allowing her to walk away.

I rolled my eyes before getting in my room. This definitely ruined my mood.

I put some comfortable clothes on and crawled into bed as I put a movie on. I knew Lando would return soon and I was right.

Only half an hour later, he walked in the room. "There's my pretty fiancée" he put his stuff down and didn't waste any time to get in bed with me.

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer against his body.

"You smell" I chuckled. Sweat, champagne and Red Bull wasn't a good combination. "Is that an invitation to shower together?" He smirked.

"Hmm yes" I smirked before pulling him out of bed and to the shower. I would tell him about Georgia later, this was way more important.

He undressed me while showering me with kisses. He pulled me in the shower after taking off his clothes and pressed his body against mine.

He didn't need to do much to get me horny. Some kisses and touches were enough and honestly, I needed to keep my promise.

He was getting laid tonight.

He kissed me, brushed his fingers against my body as the water was falling on our skin.

"Please" I mumbled. He was the only one who could make me weak like that.

He smirked and picked me up. My back was pressed against the wall, my legs wrapped around his waist.

"You're so sexy" he whispered before entering me. We groaned at the same time.

I pressed my lips against his, I could taste the water on his lips and feel how he picked up the pace every second.

This wasn't an easy position for him, even though he was stronger than you might expect, holding me up while fucking me wasn't easy.

So I kinda knew that this wasn't gonna last long. I wrapped my arms around his neck and positioned me better on his dick.

We perfectly knew what the other one liked, we were pretty open about it.

So sex with him was damn amazing.

This was gonna be the man I would have sex with for the rest of my life.

Lucky me.

Hollow River part 2Where stories live. Discover now