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"What is goin-" I started but stopped as soon as I realized what was going on.

"Baby, look who I bumped in to" Lando said as he grabbed my hand. "Ria"

One of his closest friends and members of Quadrant.

"Oh hi good to see you River" she said as she hugged me.

I definitely needed to learn to trust Lando again.

We joined Max and Kelly again and danced the entire night. Lando didn't leave me alone after that.

"I love you" he said as he wrapped his arms around me from behind and kissed my cheek a couple of times.

His hands traveled down to my stomach and he nibbled on my ear softly. "So fucking much"

It felt so good to be with him and I was so excited to start this summer break with him.
Just him and I for a little while.


"You'll never guess who called me" Lando said as he walked in the living room.

We were having a pretty peaceful vacation in his apartment in Monaco. We spend every single moment together and we didn't get bored of each other.

"Hmm let me think" I acted as if I needed to think about it, but I obviously knew who called him. "Gunther Steiner?"

"Oh you wish" Lando laughed as he sat down next to me. "Christian"

"What did he want?"

He crawled closer to me and put his head on my stomach. He was definitely the most cuddly person I've ever met.

And I liked that so much.

"He wants to offer me a contract" he looked up at me, as if he wanted to see what I thought about that.

But it was his decision.

"For next year?" I asked and put my hands in his hair. I started playing with his curls softly.

"For after the summer break, he wants to pay me out of my contract"

I definitely didn't expect this. He wanted him to switch teams like that? Switch cars like that?
Betray his team like that?

"And you want that?"

He shrugged his shoulders and crawled more on top of me. "I want to go to Red Bull, I want to drive next to Max but I can't leave the best strategist"

He brushed his nose against mine a few times. He didn't want to leave because of me.

Because of us.

I put my hands on his face and looked at him. "I want you to know one thing, I will follow you everywhere, I'm not gonna make another driver win"

He bit his lip and his blue eyes looked at me. "So what do I do? Ask Christian to buy you out as well?"

"If he really wants you then he will do that" this time it was my turn to brush my lips against his.

"I guess so" he mumbled.

Trust me Lando, he will do that and it would definitely boost Lando's confidence.

We both fell asleep after that, we wanted to take a little nap before we had to go to dinner at Max and Kelly's place.

They lived in the same building as Lando, so they invited us to their penthouse.

Max was showing us around, it was definitely a much bigger place than Lando's apartment.

"I still like your place better" I whispered to Lando who chuckled and pulled me closer against his body. "Good because it will be yours too"

We were definitely taking a lot of steps right now.

"Wine?" Kelly offered me as she already took two glasses out of the cabinet. As expected, Max and Lando decided to do some sim racing on Max's new sim.

"No thanks, I'm not drinking tonight" I smiled but Kelly frowned a little. It was as if she wanted to ask something but she decided against it.

"You guys are so unbelievably cute, it would be nice to have you both at Red Bull" she said as she put a glass of water in front of me.

Christian was a little gossiper. He already told Max and Kelly about his plans about signing Lando.

"If Lando wants to sign, yes" I winked at her. I didn't know how much Christian told her, but this was definitely a sign to keep everything between us.

Everything she just found out.

Hollow River part 2Where stories live. Discover now