Truth 2

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Hotch, Rossi and Morgan looked through the window, on the other side sat colleague and friend, Emily Prentiss. She was currently being charged with murder. As soon as Hotch heard, he called the team. Luckily most of the team was still at the office. Hotch grabbed Rossi and Morgan and made there way here. They closely watch their friend, she was calm. 

"Do you really think she killed someone?" Morgan asks 

"Well the gun has her fingerprints on, it was unregistered" Hotch says, "She hasn't said a single word, apart from a phone call, and we know she didn't call any of us"

"Her mother?" Derek asks

"No, not likely" Rossi says, moving closer to the mirror. "I can't read her, She doesn't look worried, or angry, I'd say she looks sad. She had a diplomatic face on"

"I am going to go in" Hotch says. 

"How did you know I was here?" She ask, still manning her blank face. 

"So she didn't expect us to find her here" Morgan says

"She didn't want us too" Rossi says 


"One of the officers recognized you and the Chief called me, we came here as soon as we heard" Hotch says

"Who is behind the mirror?" Emily staring at the mirror


"What is she doing?" Morgan says turning away from the mirror, putting his head in his hands. 

"I have no idea" Rossi says, 


"Morgan and Rossi" Hotch said, "Did you shoot someone in Du Pont circle?"

"I can't tell you that"

"Who did you shoot in Du Pont circle?" Hotch asked

"I can't tell you that"

"Why did you shoot him?"

"I can't tell you that"


"She isn't denying it" Morgan says

"That's because she did it" Rossi says, 

"Do you really believe Emily is a killer?" Morgan says

"Not in that way, I am sure she did it, and has a dam good reason for doing so" Rossi says 


"Prentiss, you have to tell me something if you want to get out of here" Hotch says.

"I don't need your help" Emily says staring him dead in the eyes


"What does she mean?" Derek asks


"Emily look around, you are chained to a table and if you don't cooperate you will be sent to court and sentenced under murder.--"

Hotch was interrupted when the door flung open. It was a pale man, with light dusty hair and dull blue eyes.

"Agent Hotchner, all further attempts to question my Agent should be ceased. She is to be released into my custody, so that I may escort to her back to Langley" He moved into the interrogation room and towards Emily.


"What does he mean, his agent? Langley?" Morgan says

"Emily never mentioned about the CIA" Rossi says


"I would like to see some identification please" Hotch says, 

"Agent Clyde Easter, INTERPOL. Now I don't have my physical identification on me as of this moment, but I'm sure your tech genius would be able to find everything she is able to access on me." 


"Interpol?" Rossi says 

"How does he know about Garcia?" Morgan asks,

"No idea, But I think we should give her a call"

After Emily is escorted out, Hotch joins Rossi and Morgan, 

"We have got Garcia here" Rossi says 

"So there isn't much on Clyde Easter, He is a decorated Interpol agent, former Brtish SIS"

"What else?" Morgan ask

"Thats it, everything else is blocked, Classified" Garcia 

"Do you know where he knows Emily from?"

"No there appears to be no link, Sir, Whats going on?" Garcia asks

"I don't know" Hotch says. 


"You called me your agent" Emily says to Clyde as they sit in the blacked out car

"Well its true, once your agent of mine, always an agent of mine" Clyde says

"If your here, where are Declan and Thalia?" Emily asks 

"Safe house in Maryland, we are going there now" Clyde informs 

"There is no 'Questioning in Langley'?" Emily asks

"No, not of this moment, He had a shoot on site order anyway" Clyde says, "Are you going to tell me what your last conversation with him was about?"

"No, I dont think I will" Emily says


The team was currently huddled in the conference room. 

"Where is Emily now?" Seaver asks 

"She was taken to Langley for questioning" Hotch says  

"There is mention of CIA on her records" Garcia says

"Not everything is on the official records" Rossi says 

"She seemed comfortable with him, the Agent who took her away, Garcia is there any way of tracing the call she made after she was arrested?" Morgan asks 

"Of course, let me see" Garcia says as she types away, "Yes indeed, the number she called was registered to Clyde Easter"

"So she knew he could get her out" Reid says. 

"Garcia, can you follow the security footage and see where the car they got in went to?" Hotch asks. 

"Yes sir, They exit the station. Then turn onto the freeway, and they cut of in Maryland, but there is nothing after that" Garcia says. 

"So definately not going to Langley" Hotch says

"Wait I'll see if any other cameras caught the number plate" Garcia says.  "A gas station, caught them moving into a residential area. And someone's private camera caught them parked outside a house down the street." Garcia Says

"Can you get us an address?" Hotch says 

"What exactly are we planning to do?" Morgan asks 

"Well I think we will just go there for a friendly chat" Rossi says

"Yes, Garcia that address?" Hotch asks

"Already sent" Garcia says 

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