Chapter 32

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Byun Baekhyun's Point of View

I walk to the kitchen to fetch myself a glass of water. I look to my left while drinking water and notice the piled-up food containers that I have been receiving from Chanyeol's mom for a month now.

She once made me chicken soup, soy sauce crab, pumpkin porridge, seafood pancake, and a lot more, and I feel as if she's on some kind of experiment with cooking 'cause of how random her meals are. I tilt my head in confusion but soon brush it off and head to the living room to watch TV.

My ring camera warns me about a potential intruder, so I sit upright to scan the screen as I turn the TV off. Cold sweat starts forming on my forehead the moment I see someone's figure enter my screen.

Seeing it's Taeyeon with the way she walks, I learn she had intended to leave me a packed dinner in front of my door. Then, I realize Chanyeol has been lying to me about his mom giving me meals all this time.

I rush and open the door just to see her shocked face under her face mask. I step aside while holding the door open, telling her to come in without actually saying it.

She enters my place cautiously. I turn around after closing the door and look at her. For a few seconds, I scan what's inside the bag she's holding, and it's the same, exact food container that I have piled up on my kitchen counter.

I feel all my blood race to my head. I clench my teeth and force myself to hear her explanation as to why she'd been leaving me meals for a whole month now.

"I was worried you might have been skipping your meals and not eating on time," she utters while scratching her fingers out of anxiety.

I snigger while looking straight at her eyes, "Worried? I wouldn't say you're worried. Let me think of the right word. Uh... ah, you're guilty!"

She looks at me like she can't believe what I said, "No, Baekhyun... I was trying to help you recover from the accident."

I click my tongue and yell, "What's your deal, Kim Taeyeon? If you didn't want me back before, then keep that promise to yourself!"

I can feel the tears well in my eyes, but I don't want to show Taeyeon how weak I am when it comes to her. I grip her shoulders and smash her back to the wall so hard that she starts crying. "Why are you here like you're begging me to take you back? You're killing me over and over again!"

She can't utter a word and just keep crying. She has no energy left in her and is about to fall, but I smash her to the wall for the second time, "Tell me!"

She whispers, "Baekhyun, you're hurting me..."

I whisper back, "And you never thought of those times when you were hurting me?"

I lose my grip on her shoulders and punched the wall as hard as I could. She flinches, falls to the floor, and starts trembling. I walk towards the door and open it. Not uttering a word, I walk back to her and grab her left elbow to drag her out of my house. I slam the door shut, and as soon as I lock the door, I break down in tears. With anger, I scream in pain and throw a vase to a wall.

I hear her knock on the door, "Baekhyun, are you okay? Open up!"

I shriek at the door with all my might, "Get lost!"

Kim Taeyeon's Point of View

Chanyeol comes out with his messed up hair and clothes he threw on randomly—a white tee and black sweatpants. He panics, "What's wrong?"

How'd he come out of that door?

I try to explain and point out with shaky hands, "I-I heard something broke and... and crash."

He twists the doorknob, but it's shut locked. He knocks and calls, "Baekhyun. Yah, Byun Baekhyun!"

I start hyperventilating and step back to hide from Chanyeol. I don't want to let him know that I'm having a panic attack and have him worry. I keep trying to breathe for air until I can't anymore. I slap my hand on Chanyeol's arm to ask for help. The next thing I know, I fall in his arms, unconscious.

3rd Person's Point of View

Chanyeol dialed 911 in a heartbeat after seeing Taeyeon pass out.

When help arrives, Taeyeon insists she'd rather go home than go to the hospital. Chanyeol shakes his head, "No. You gotta go and have yourself checked. I'm going with you."

He was about to go get a coat, but Taeyeon stopped him, "No, please. He's broken that he saw me tonight. Stay with him."

Chanyeol's torn between consoling his friend and accompanying Taeyeon until she feels better. They even argue in the middle of paramedics getting her vitals, so in the end, Chanyeol stays to check on Baekhyun.

Taeyeon is lost deep in her thoughts while the paramedics transfer her to the vehicle. She keeps replaying what happened inside Baekhyun's house in her mind which is causing her anxiety to grow. She eventually finds herself unable to calm down and control her emotions. 

Taeyeon has to be confined and have an IV replenishment because it turns out she's also malnourished and dehydrated. She slowly wakes up from a ten-hour sleep, and the first thing she looks for is her phone, which is filled with notifications. She opens her Instagram and highlights one message request from someone who's verified on the app. It read, "bambam1a."

7:27 AM

Hello, Ms. Taeyeon. It's Bambam. My show will be filmed in my house at 123 Apartment located in the middle of Hannam-dong. You can choose whatever time and day you want to come over, and I'll have my schedule vacant for you. Lastly, thank you for accepting my offer. I look forward to having you over.

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