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Your Point of View
I was with Niall at a bar with Harry, Liam, and Louis, when I saw a good friend from college. "Hey, Niall?" I asked him. "Yes, princess?" He looked at me. "Is it okay of I go talk to a good friend of mine from college? I haven't seen him in a long time." He looked kind of sad. "Sure, I'll just wait here. I love you, Y/N." He said. I kissed him and replied, "I love you too, Niall." I walked over to Colby, my good friend from college and said, "Hey Colby! Long time, no see!" I smiled. "Y/N? It's nice to see you again. Have you got yourself a boyfriend?" I nodded. "Yea. I've never been happier." "Who is he?" He looked me straight in the eye. "His name is Niall. Niall Horan." I said confidentially. "You mean from that stupid boy band, One Direction? He's pathetic. He doesn't even deserve you." Anger exploded in me. "Excuse me?" I said, angrily. "Have you heard the stuff people talk about him. Cheating and whatnot. But, he's gone a long time on those tours of theirs. It probably breaks your heart. You could have had me, but you picked that dirtbag." That was the last straw. I looked over to Niall. He was watching. I smiled and waved. He waved back, questioning what I just did. I looked back at Colby and raised my voice. "Niall is not a dirt bag, nor did he ever cheat. Yea I get sad that he's gone, but he tries so hard to keep us together. You are the pathetic one. I could just-" then he kissed me. Immediately I pushed him back and wiped my lips and slapped him. "How dare you!!" I looked over to Niall, who was at the bar seats looking at us with glossy eyes. He looked like he has seen death. His expression is like his heart just broke. Oh, no...he saw. I looked at Colby. "You idiot!" I looked back at Niall and he started running. I chased after him and followed him to his/our flat. I went in and the door was wide open. I went in and closed it. The scenes played back in my mind. I hate Colby... he had no right. I heard sobbing upstairs, which broke me out my thoughts. I slowly walked up and put my ear to the door. He was sobbing loudly. I broke him. It's all my fault. I have a wonderful boyfriend. Why would Colby do such a thing? I'm happy I slapped his dirty face What am I supposed to do? I should call Harry. "Ello? Harry speaking." I started crying. "Harry...I need help." "Y/N? What happened? Did Niall do something?" He asked. "No. It's Niall. We were at the bar with you guys and I saw a good friend from college so I asked Niall if I could go say hi. He said yes so I went over and Colby, my friend from college started talking trash about Niall. I then defended Niall until that idiot kissed me. I pushed him off and I looked at Niall over at the bar seats. How he looked, it just made my heart break. His eyes were glossy. Niall ran out and I followed him to his flat. Now I'm at his room door as I hear him sob! It's all my fault! I should have stayed with him! What do I do?!" "He saw you? Okay um, well make him feel wanted. You know he has insecurities. Maybe he thinks you hate him. Be there for him. He needs you." "Thanks, Harry. Can you tell the other guys? I know Louis is going to be mad and don't want to handle telling them I broke their best friend." "Sure, we'll come over in an hour. I think us boys should talk." "Sure. The doors unlocked. See you in a bit Harry." I hung up and knocked on his door. "Go away." He sniffled. "Niall, honey. Let me in. I would like to talk to you." I said softly. "It's unlocked." I walked into, him on the floor and his face, red and puffy. I sat down next to him on the floor and said, "I love you with all my heart, Niall. I didn't kiss Colby. He started talking bad about our relationship so I stood up for you and then he kissed me. I hated it. I pushed him away because the only person I love is you. It made my heart break that I made you cry. I'm sorry, Niall." He looked at me and shook his head. "I heard what he said. He's right. I'm a dirtbag. I don't deserve someone as good as you. You deserve the best you can get. When he kissed you, I saw you yell at him. That means it could be a love hate relationship. I can't make you happy." He started crying again. "Oh Niall, come here." I put my arms out so he could hug me. He crawled over to me and hugged me, crying on my shoulder. It was like he was holding on for dear life because he was clinging to me. He wasn't holding tight, but he had a strong grip. My heart just about broke into a million pieces. Seeing him so upset and not his funny, happy self just makes me wanna cry. But, I have to stay strong for him. He needs someone to lean on so that's what I'm gonna do. He stopped crying and sat up. I remember I had chocolate in my pocket, so I took it out and handed it to him. He took it and kissed my cheek. "Niall. Look at me, please." His glossy red eyes traveled to mine. "Your worth defending. You have always made me happy. Yes, I could have picked any guy, but you were special. You listened to everything I had to say. You understand me. You know everything about me. I know almost everything about you. We're perfect. You know that I'm ticklish on my sides and my thighs. You know my favorite food. You're worth it. You're worth every insult your fans give me. I don't care what they think. You are mine and that's what matters." Just then there was a knock on the door. "Stay here. I'm going to go get that. Eat your chocolate." For the first time in those few minutes, I saw him smile. I grinned. I walked to the door and opened it. It was the guys, Harry, Louis, and Liam. "Come in. Niall's in his room. He just stopped crying so be careful what you say." They nodded and came in. They went up and I decided to make him chicken noodle soup. I put it on the stove and while that cooked I brewed his favorite hot chocolate with whip cream on top. As those two things were cooking, I made my famous chocolate mousse. I whipped it up and put it in four bowls. After the soup was done I put it in a bowl with a spoon and put it on a tray along with the four chocolate mousse bowls. Then, I put the hot chocolate on it and walked up the stairs. I wanted to be a good girlfriend so I knew this would make him feel better. I knocked on the door and Louis opened it. I came in and put the tray in Niall's nightstand. I gave Louis Liam, and Harry their mousse and left to go clean the kitchen. After I closed the door I heard Niall say something. "She let me cry on her shoulder. She let me just let out my feelings..." "Well, yea. She feels bad for you seeing what wasn't supposed to happen. If she didn't love you, she wouldn't have done all this. Niall, you need to start not putting you down. Y/N loves you. We can all see that. She called me saying what happened and that she had no idea what she was doing because she had never broken you. She said it was her fault that she hurt you. She felt that you wouldn't be like this if she hadn't of went over." Harry said. He's right. I walked to the couch and logged onto twitter.

-"Y/N cheated on Niall. You should have seen his face. He cried! She kissed someone other than him."

-"Y/N's pathetic. I would be better!"

That was it. I posted something that I know would shut their dumb mouths.

@Y/T/N-"Do you know what even happened? I was actually being a good girlfriend! My friend from college was at the bar that I, Niall, and the boys were at. So I said hi. You know what he did? He started talking crap about Niall. I stood up for Niall and then that idiot kissed me in front of Niall! I slapped him and ran after Niall. Niall's okay now but I suggest you stop the hate. I didn't mean to break him. I really didn't. I hope you can forgive me. I hope @NiallOfficial @Harry_Styles @LiamPayne and @Louis_Tomlinson can forgive me. I really didn't mean any harm. I should have stayed with Niall the whole night. If you're reading this Niall... I'm so sorry. You're everything I've ever wanted. I don't have any love in the world for him. It's only for you, my love."

I started crying. It's all my fault. Louis came out with the tray and saw me crying. "Are you okay, Y/N?" I shook my head. "It's all my fault. I should have stayed with Niall the whole time. I don't know why I went to say hi. I thought he might have changed from college, but no... he had to be the same idiot he was 4 years ago. Poor Niall." I sobbed. "You should have seen him when he cried on my shoulder. He liked so broken. It's my fault-" "Stop that! You're as worse as Niall. You're putting yourself down for someone else's problem. That guy that kissed you was stupid. It's his fault. He shouldn't have kissed you. He knew you had a boyfriend. So he could have just kept his lips to himself. Stop putting yourself down. Niall loves you. You made him a cheer up dinner with chocolate everything. Well, except the soup. Ew... chocolate soup." He cringed. I laughed. "Thanks, Louis." I put my phone down and hugged him. "No problem. I don't want to see you guys sad." "How's Niall?" I asked. "He's better. He's not smiling but he's believing what we say." I nodded. Harry came out and his eyebrows turned down. "Were you crying?" I nodded. "Check your twitter. You'll know why." They got on their phones and by their faces, I could see that they were reading what I had written. "Of course we forgive you. It wasn't your fault." Harry said. "It feels like it," I said. "Y/N... what did I say about putting yourself down?" Louis warned. "Sorry," I said. Louis and Harry hugged me as Liam and Niall came out. I looked over and smiled at Niall. Liam whispered something in his ear. Niall nodded, putting something black in his pocket. They walked over and the boys left after a while. "I uh checked twitter. I don't need to forgive you. You did nothing wrong. I love you Y/N. You know that, right?" I nodded as a few years escaped my eyes. He wiped them away. "I'm so sorry Niall. The way you looked as you cried on my shoulder, made me break inside. I felt like this was my fault. But, Louis made sure I knew it wasn't. You know the only person I love is you and you are the only one I love." Niall took my chin in his hand and kissed me, passionately. "I love you and only you, Y/N." He got up and made me stand up. He grabbed both of my hands and looked into my eyes. "Y/N, We've been together for 2 and a half years. This the best relationship ever. I couldn't have asked for a better partner. You help me through everything that gets in my way. You let my cry on your shoulder, and you made sure I was okay after that idiot kissed you. I thank you for that and I want you to know that I would do the same for you one day. You know me like the back of your hand. You know how to cheer me up and I love you for everything you've ever done. What I'm trying to say is," he got down on one knee and got that black box out of his pocket and opened it. "Will you do the honor of marrying me, and make me happier than anyone in the world?" My eyes went wide. A grin appeared on my face. I nodded. "Yes! Niall Horan, yes!" He stood up, put the engagement ring on my ring finger, and I hugged him. "I love you, Niall. I don't know what I'd do without you." He kissed me and said, "I love you too, princess. You're my heart. If I lost you, I'd die." I laughed. "You're as bad as Harry!" We both laughed. I can't wait until the wedding day!

To be Continued...

So how is it? I just thought it up and said, "Hey, why not? A lot of people are doing imagines, so why not me?" Enjoy the nice part!~Abby

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