Loved You First ~ Niall

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Your Point of View
Niall and I were just talking at the end I'd my driveway, when Dillan, one of my good friends asked, "Hey, Y/N. I was wondering if you'd be my girlfriend and go on date tonight?" I smiled. "Sure. How about at 7? I'm hanging with Ni today." He nodded, "Sure." He said bluntly. "See ya then. I'll pick you up." He left and Niall sighed. "Greg texted me... uh I uh.. need to go. Bye, Y/N." He walked away and I frowned. That was weird.

Niall's Point of View
Crushed. Absolutely crushed. I was about to ask her on a date and Dillan just ruined it. If I ask her, she'll think I'm just trying to break them up. I'll make up a bro date with the boys' and go to Nandos. "Hello? Louis speaking." "Hey Louis, I'm feeling down. Can us boys meet at Nandos?" I asked. "Sure. The lads are with me so I'll drive them. See ya in a while mate." I hung up and drove to Nandos and walked on. To my dismay, there was Y/N and Dillan. I sat down to a table behind Dillan's back and waited for the boys'. They came in and sat at my table. "Hey Niall, what's the matter?" Liam asked. "I was going to ask Y/N to be my girlfriend today but Dillan one of her good friends, ran up to her and asked her when we were talking. I loved her first. I know I do." Harry and Louis looked over to the table next to them. "They're here. They're right there. Tell her mate!! Tell her that you loved her first!" Harry said. "It's not that easy, Harry. She'll think I'm trying to break their relationship up. I don't want my best friend to hate me." We ordered and Liam said, "Mate, it's a risk you'll have to take."

Your Point of View
As we were eating I saw Niall walk in sadly and sit down. I wonder what he's doing here. Harry, Liam, and Louis came in and sat at his table. Dillan went to the bathroom so I listened to their conversation. "Hey Niall, what's the matter?" Liam asked. Niall's eyes looked glossy. "I was going to ask Y/N to be my girlfriend today but Dillan one of her good friends, ran up to her and asked her when we were talking. I loved her first. I know I do." I looked down. He loves me? Awww... I looked back up and Harry yells, "They're here. They're right there. Tell her mate!! Tell her that you loved her first!" Niall stared at him. "It's not that easy, Harry. She'll  think I'm trying to break their relationship up. I don't want my best friend to hate me." They orders from the waitress and Liam looked at Niall. "Mate, it's a risk you'll have to take." Niall is do sweet. Dillan came out and I said. "We're done. I don't think I wanna be with you. I've heard you've cheated many times." He stormed out and I sat at their table. I hugged Niall and said, "Yes." He looked at me funny. "Huh?" The boys' looked at me. I winked. "I want to be your girlfriend." He lit up. "OK!" Niall said, very chipper. "I heard everything. I broke up with Dillan. I love you, Ni." He smiled, hugging me. "I love you too, Princess. LET'S EAT!" I laughed. "Way to ruin the moment.." I said. "Uh... Sorry?" We laughed. I knew right then that he loved me first.

Here it is. This is based on, Loved You First by One Direction. The TMH album. Enjoy! I would like to say I'm sorry about today. 9/11. I'm sorry if you guys lost anybody. This was a horrid day but lets be happy and remember them.~Abby

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