Niall Sticks Up For You

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Your Point of View
As I'm listening to Better Than Words by One Direction I'm jamming out. I can't wait until Niall gets home from the studio so I can ask him to sing his parts. I get on twitter and there's rumors about him being hurt. "Niall Horan Of One Direction in Fight With The Wanted? Here's the Story." I keep seeing this. Is he alright? "Niall Horan Injured by The Wanted? Is This the End of The Wanted? Were They Jealous of One Direction's Fame? Find Out Now." I called Liam. "Liam...have you seen Niall?" I asked worridly. "No. Why?" He asked. "He's not home yet and there's rumors about him getting in a fight with the band, The Wanted. I'm really scared, Liam." I said. "I'll try to call him don't worry. I'll tell the lads too. Bye, Y/N." I hung up and paced around the room. I started to cry. What if he's dead? Poor Niall. Breathe, Y/N. You don't know if he's hurt or not. Just then the door burst open and Niall limped inside. "Niall! Oh my gosh! Are you okay???" I went over to him and shut the door. He was all bloody and his eyes were bloodshot. I got him to the bathroom, stripping him and put him in lukewarm water. I washed his wounds and found they were cuts and bruises. The bruises  looked like punch marks.  "Baby? Are you okay? You had me so worried." Tears slipped down my eyes. "P-please don't cry, Y/N. I'm better now because you're helping me." I got him out and put his boxers and some sweatpants on. I put him on the couch and there was a knock on the door. I opened it and there was the boys. "He's here. Don't worry. Please, come in. He hasn't told me what happened yet." I went and sat on the couch with Niall and asked, "Niall?  Can you tell us what happened?" he nodded, as the boys sat on the couch. "I walked out of the studio and saw The Wanted outside. I walked past them and heard, "Did ya see that Niall got himself a new toy?" "Yea. He's quite pathetic. I think he can do so much better. That girl looks as if she just works for him. She's so stupid. I bet they will break up." I tapped one of their backs and said, "Are you talking bad about my girl?" One of them said, "So what if we were?" I looked them straight in the eye and said, "You're gonna regret that. You should of never said anything." Then the all ganged up on me. I did my best to fight them off but they won and I ended up on the ground. I threatened them to stay away from Y/N." I started to cry again. "You did this all for me?? Niall, why would you sacrifice you own life for harmless words? Yes it hurts to think they said that but if you're here with me than you can make me feel better. All I want is you to be alive." I said hugging him. Niall said, "I'll always be here for you Y/N. I don't care if I get hurt protecting you and if that means you don't cry, then so be it. But, for now, just for you, I won't do it again." Louis laughed and said, "Niall, buddy. You are so whipped." Liam and Harry nodded, snickering. "Am not!" Niall laughed. Louis coughed "Whipped." Louis coughed again. "If it means making sure my princess is safe, the yes, Louis. I'm whipped. " I kissed his cheek. "Thank you, Niall." I hit him on the top of the head. "Baby?! What was that for?!" I laughed, "That was for scaring me. Don't scare me ever again." "We better leave. Get better, mate. Make sure to call me tomorrow!" Liam said, all "Daddy Direction". "Yea, get better. Take care of him, Y/N." Harry said as they left. "You know, I'll always protect you. No matter what. I love you, my princess. I'd for anything for you." he said, kissing me passionately. "Louis was right. You are whipped. But, please don't die for me. I can't bear to lose you." I said. "Oh shush about me being whipped. Everyone knows it's true. Die?" he sighed. "But if it means you get to live then yes. I'll die for you." He said. "If you die, I die too." I said, sternly. "I'll make sure I don't die soon, then." he said. I helped him up the stairs and to our bedroom. I set him on the bed and stripped into shorts and one of Niall's, Free Hugs t-shirts. I yawned and got into bed beside him "I love you Niall. Wake me up if you need anything." I said. "I love you too, princess. Don't worry, Y/N. I'll wake you up if I need anything only if it would make you happy." I laughed. "It sure would. Night, Ni." I said, snuggling into his side. "Goodnight, princess."

I know. It's shorter than usual. I tried to make it as long as possible. Hope you like it!!! Make sure if you want to help you tell me because I just may need it!~Abby

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