Unfortunate (Requested)

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You become distant and so Niall ends your 1 year relationship. Little does he know, you're pregnant with his kid and will be giving birth in 6 months. You meet him a few years later and that's when he begs for forgiveness for you guys to try again.

Your Point of View
"Niall, please don't do this. We can work this out." I said. "No, Y/N we can't. All we do is argue and I know you're not happy with me. It's only best if we break up." "But-" "I love you so much, okay? I'm doing this for your happiness. Goodbye, my love." He left out the door as I cried. I didn't get to tell him I was pregnant with his kid. Oh, Niall...
*end flashback*

2 Years Later
"Come on little one." I said to my one and half-year-old son, Luke. I picked him up and put him the stroller. "Mommy loves you. You know that right?" He gurgles and sucks on the pacifier in his mouth. I walk to the nearest ice cream parlor. I order a baby vanilla for him and a small chocolate for me. I get him out of his stroller and onto my lap. I start feeding it to him and he eats it right up. I smiled sadly. "You're just like your father used to be. Your hair is like his, your eyes, even the way you eat." I said in a baby voice. "Y/N?" I look up and Niall is standing there. "Niall?" I said. He nodded and asked, "Do you mind if I sit?" I nodded. "Not at all, go right ahead." He sat down and said, "Who is this?" He smiled. I saw a hint of sadness in his eyes. "This is Luke. My son and-" "So.. you've moved on?" I laughed. He looked confused. "No silly. He's yours too. Lucas James Horan." He cocked his head and said, "How? I haven't seen you in 2 years." I smiled sadly. "That night you broke up with me, I was going to tell you, but I never got the chance. The only reason why we argued so much was because of the side effects of my pregnancy." I said. "I'm so sorry, Y/N. Can you forgive me?" I nodded. "Forgive and forget." He cleared his throat. "Can we please try again? I've missed you so much. I tried to move on but got cheated on instead. I realized that you were always the one. I was insecure and I know it was wrong to push you away. I'm sorry. I want to try again and be in my son's life if you'll let me." My heart broke for him when he said 'cheated on'. How could I not take him back? I was at fault just like he was. "On one condition." I said. He nodded. "You move in with me to help with Luke and take me on a date." I smiled. He grinned. "I can absolutely do that." He came over and sat next to me. "May I hold him?" He asked. I handed him to Niall and said, "He reminds me so much of you. He eats like you, his hair is like yours, and he has your eyes." Niall kissed his nose and he giggled. Luke tried reaching for his eyes. "Oh you want my eyes, don't you little Lad. Oh no, I've got to have those if you want me to see your handsome face." I smiled. This was a good decision.

5 Years Later
"Come on Luke! It's time to play football with Niall!" I yelled. We are now happily married and the 'little lad' is almost 7 now. "Coming Mommy!" He rushed down the stairs and tripped, falling. Tears rushed out of his eyes. "I want Dad." He cried. "Niall!" I picked him up and rubbed his back. Niall rushed in and saw Luke crying. "What happened buddy?" He grabbed him from my arms and kissed his cheek. "I fell and hurt my ankle because I tripped on the last two steps." He sniffled. "Aww, buddy. Be more careful next time. Are you okay?" Luke nodded and hugged Niall. What a daddy's boy. "Wanna go play some footie with Uncle Harry, Uncle Liam, and Uncle Louis?" Luke nodded and smiled. Niall put him down and walked over to me. "You're such a great father Niall. I love you." He grinned. "I love you too, Princess." We walked outside where Louis was tickling Luke. He was giggling and Harry was holding him upside down. Liam was laughing as Luke was shouting, "Uncle Liam, help! You're my only hope now!" I laughed. Niall went over to 'save the day'. "Hey, you big meanies. Stop picking on my son." Niall said in a 'noble' voice. Harry let him down. "Sorry your royal highness, it won't happen again." Harry said. "Louis, go capture Y/N!" Liam said. Louis rushed over and held me captive. I faked a cry. "My Prince, please help me!" Niall gasped. (It sounded so fake though) "I'll help save you, Mommy!" Luke rushed over and kicked Louis' shin. Niall grabbed me and kissed my lips. "You're safe now, Princess." I giggled. "And thank you, my precious little Prince." I picked up Luke and kissed his nose. "You're welcome, Mommy." He buried his face into my neck and hugged me. Suddenly, I heard soft snores. I giggled and excused myself so I could bring Luke to his room. I went up the stairs and entered his room. I laid him down on his bed and tucked him in, smiling. I quietly walked downstairs and went outside to mingle with the boys'. "He is so much like you, Niall." I said. He smiled and hugged me. "He has your personality though, babe." He said. "Niall, you can't deny that he eats like you and has all your energy, mate." Louis said. "Nah, I can't deny that. It's in the Horan genes.'' He stated proudly. "You and your food." Liam said. Niall grinned. "One thing Luke got was your carefree personality. It's nice to see him that way." Harry said. Louis coughed and then said, "Sap." Niall burst out laughing. "I love your laugh, Niall." I said. "Thank you, Princess." A while later, the boys' left and Luke woke up from his nap. "Mommy, thank you." I was confused. "For what, Sweet Boy?" "For being my Mommy and for Daddy being my Daddy. I love you guys." Tears went down my eyes. "What's wrong? Did I make you cry? I'm sorry, Mommy." He wiped my tears away. "No, no. You just make me so happy, Luke. These are happy tears. You need to tell Daddy this. It will make him happy. Niall! Can you come here?!" I yelled. Niall rushed into the living room where we were and said, "What? What's wrong?" I patted the seat next to me. Niall sat and looked confused. "Luke, tell Daddy what you told me." He nodded. "I said thank you." Luke said. "For what, buddy?" Niall asked. "For Mommy being my Mommy and you being my Daddy. I love you guys a lot." Niall smiled. "I accidentally made Mommy cry but she said they were happy tears because I make her happy." Luke pointed at me. "I love you too, buddy. I always will and I will love your Mommy forever and ever too." He embraced us both and then I knew that he would never leave again. Ever.

Sorry for the long wait. If you read the Louis Imagines, then you know that it was because of writer's block. I hadn't had this started until today. (May 27th) I've been so busy with school as well. Feel free to request because I need ideas. Thank you!~Abby

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