He's Your Counselor

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Prompt: You guys break up and a few years later you become his client and get back together. Trigger warning!!!

Your Point of View

*2 years ago, you're both seniors in high school*

"Niall, I'm sorry, but I can't do this anymore." I cried. "But I love you, Princess. You know I do." Niall said, with tears in eyes. "I know you do and I love you too, but I'm not in a good place right now to have a boyfriend. I'm so sorry, Niall, but I think we'll both be happier this way." I kissed him for the last time and brought all of my stuff out to my car.

I went back inside and gave him a letter. "Please read this. It explains everything and when I say this, I mean it. It's not you, it's me. I'm in the way of my own happiness, so I need some time to pick myself up. Niall, you did nothing and if I wasn't in a bad place, I would have never broken up with you. I love you. I love you enough to let you go and let you be happy without me." I kissed his cheek and left.

I'm going to regret this, but it's for his own good. I don't deserve him and I never will.

*3 Years Later, you're both 21*

It's been 3 years and I still feel the ache in my heart of breaking up with Niall. I've gone to numerous therapies and counselors, but it never works. But, for my own good, I'm going to try one more time.


"Hello. Uhm, I'm here to fill out some paperwork for Dr. Horan?" That name sounds familiar...

"Yes, here. Fill out your feelings and since he has no patients right now, you'll be able to go right in." I nodded and thanked her, going to sit down.

Once I was done, I went up to the desk and the receptionist said, "Take it with you to that room over there." She pointed to a door that was painted blue and I slowly walked over and knocked. "Come in!" I opened it and did a double take.

"Niall??" My eyes widened as he turned around and his eyes widened as well.

I knew his last name sounded familiar!

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" He seemed a bit annoyed and I said, "I was looking for a new counselor to go to. I didn't realize that it was you. I'm sorry. I can leave if you'd like." 

His eyes softened and he gestured for me to sit. "Can I have your paperwork?" I nodded and handed it to him, embarrassed. He silently read through it and when he started looking sad, I knew where he was in the pages. In the place, 'Put some reasons why you're depressed if you said yes', I wrote, "Weight, looks, hard break up a few years ago, cheating ex-boyfriends'.

"You're still sad about us breaking up?" He asked, with a frown. I sighed and nodded.

"I know this sounds stupid, but it was the hardest thing I had to do. I loved you and I still do. But, my mental health wasn't good and it was toxic. I didn't want to make your life living hell and I sure wasn't going to be selfish and keep dating you while I wasn't stable. Hell, I kept getting suicidal thoughts and I didn't want to hurt you. I know I did hurt you and I will never forgive myself for what I put you through." I said, "And then, once I had gotten better enough, I got a boyfriend. He started to be abusive and cheated on me. He kept saying that he dated me for a dare to get me to have sex with him. And that screwed me up. All of the sessions I went to for therapy just went down the drain. I went back into that bad place and about a year later, I got another boyfriend and he cheated on me too, with one of my good friends."

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