You Save Niall's Life

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Niall's Point of View
*Flashback to Last Date They Had At Niall's Flat*
"Oh my gosh Niall! Milk just came out your nose!" Y/N snorted. It was the most beautiful thing I heard. I laughed. "Oops? Well, you made me laugh. You were tryin' to imitate my accent. It sounded nothin' like an Irish accent, love." I teased. "Watch it, Lucky Charms." I narrowed my eyes. "What did you call me?" "I called you Lucky Charms." She said. "That's it! Come ere'!" I started tickling her. "Niall! Stop!!! Please!!!!" She laughed, uncontrollably. I shook my head, still tickling her. "Not until you apologize." I said. "Fine! I'm sorry Niall!" I stopped and gave her a hug. "I love you, Y/N." "I love you too, Niall."

*End Flashback*
I'm thinking of making our relationship official. I might ask Harry to help. I don't know how to do this stuff. I mean, will she feel the same? I drove to Harry's house, thinking of what I should do for her. I arrived and walked in. "Harry??" I asked. "Yea, mate?" He said as he came out of the kitchen. "Can I ask you a question??" He nodded. "Sure. Hit me." Humorously, I hit him. "Niall, you know what I meant." He rolled his eyes and laughed. "You know Y/N?" I asked. "Yea, what about her?" "We've been going on numerous dates and I was wondering if it would be a good idea to asked her to be my princess?" I looked at him. "I guess." He mumbled, drinking something that was clear. "You guess? Don't you think it's a good idea?" I asked, hurt. "Actually, no. I know you're going to do something stupid, Niall. You always do. You end up drinking and they end up leaving you. You're going to hurt her. I know it." He spat. "Harry? You-You... don't trust me? I thought you were my brother?" "Well you thought wrong." I looked down. "Okay. I'll just leave. I guess One Direction can do better without me. Goodbye Harry. I'm never coming back." I walked out the door and to my house. I oped Y/N's contact and texted her one last time.

Me: I want to say bye. I'm leaving and I'm never coming back. I'm a burden to every one and to my own brothers. I love you so much. Tell everybody I love them and stay safe, princess. Harry may think I'm not good enough but I know that everyone does... Remember, I love you soooo much. Goodbye.~Niall xx.

I sent it and took a knife and cut deep cuts in my hands. I stabbed my stomach 5 times and just layed on the floor, waiting to die. Goodbye...

Your Point of View
I got a text from Niall. Almost time for our date! 

Nialler: I want to say bye I'm leaving and I'm never coming back. I'm a burden to everyone and to my own brothers. I love you so much. Tell everybody I love them and stay safe, princess. Harry may think I'm not good enough but I know everyone does... Remember, I love you soooo much. Goodbye. ~Niall xx.

Me: Niall???

Oh no... I ran to his house but as I got there someone said they overheard Harry say some things. I quickly ran in his house and up towards his bedroom. I went in and saw him all bloody. Oh no... he's dying!  Maybe he's dead! "Niall!!" I cried hard. I called 911. They said they'd be here in 3 minutes. I called Liam. "Hello?" "Liam, it's Niall! He's dying! He's all blood. Bring everyone to the hospital. Please!" "No... Niall. Ok ok. I'll drive everyone to the hospital." I hung up and kissed his cheek. His chest still moved but it was faint. I cried. "I'm so sorry, Niall." His door for pushed open and they took him to the ambulance. I got in with him and held his hand. He was limp. We got to the hospital and I waited in the waiting room. I cried and cried. I can't believe this happened. It's...Harry's fault. Liam came with the boys and sat next to me. "I hate you Harry." I said. Liam looked confused and so did Louis. "It's your fault he stabbed himself. He nearly killed himself. If I hadn't of been there, he would of been dead." I said, crying into Liam's shoulder. "What are you talking about Y/N?" Louis asked. "Tell them Harry." I spat. He told then what he exactly said to Niall. "Harry... how could you??" Liam asked. "I drank a little too much. I was stressed. I didn't mean to take it out on him but yet I did and I feel horrible. I know you guys won't forgive me but I'm going to try to gain his trust back. I know... Being stressed and drunk is not a good exuse." "I forgive you, Harry." I said. A nurse came out and said, "One at a time. His closest people first." "That would be me." I said. I walked with her to Niall. He was all patched up and stitched up. I sat next to his bed and held his hand. He opened his eyes and mumbled, "Y-Y/N?" I nodded, full out crying. "I-I thought you were dead. Please don't do that again, Niall. I love you...I love you so much." He nodded. "You know, Harry felt really bad. Uhm.. I'll let him tell you why he did it, okay?" He nodded. "I love you, Niall." A boy nurse came and said, "He can go home right now. He needs to be taken care of and he needs a counselor. Okay?" I nodded, getting him out of bed and in a wheel chair. I wheeled him out to the boys. Harry was crying when I came out. All the  boys spotted me and ran over to see of Niall was okay. "Niall, I'm so sorry. I never meant for this to happen. I was stressed and I had drank a lot... I shouldn't of taken it all out on you... trust me. We're still brothers and One Direction needs you." Harry explained. Niall hugged Harry. "It's okay Harry." I put Niall in my car and drove to his flat. He better sleep in the guest bedroom. I helped him up the stairs and into the guest bedroom. "Could you help me put my pj's on?" He asked. "Of course Niall." I stripped him from his clothes, except his boxers and put some sweatpants over them. "Time for bed mister." I said. He nodded, crawling into bed. I got my pj's on and crawled in next to him. "Niall, I'm going to be your counselor, okay? There are better things then killing yourself to deal with things. I know what Harry said was hurtful but, you could of avoided killing yourself easier if you knew what you could do. Goodnight Niall." "Goodnight Y/N."

Three Years Later
"Niall! Time to go to Louis' house for the game!" I yelled grabbing my purse and phone. Our relationship is still going strong. A few days after recovering, he asked me to be his girlfriend. Of course I said yes! "Coming, princess!" With that we left and went to watch the game. Never again had he tried anything. I'm a counselor so I knew what to say to make him better. He's stronger and he will never do that again.

I do not advise cutting. It's bad. If you are doing it, try to stop and do others things to get stuff off your mind. Such as, keeping yourself busy. It could be anything! Even coloring! Love you all!~Abby

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