Niall's Birthday

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This is his Last Year's Birthday. His Birthday this year is on the day after the September 12th concert. I'm going to that one. Who else is? I thought I'd do an authors note first. Just so it's over with. Enjoy! I am sorry I haven't been on. I have been at music camp. Anyway, carry on.~Abby

Your Point of View
I'm planning Niall's birthday! Although, I've been spending a lot of time with Louis. I wanted Liam to make sure Niall knew I wasn't cheating. Liam's there to distract him. I went over to Niall's and got his guitar. I was going to try to sing You And I at his party. He wrote it for me and I want to give back to him. I strummed quitely. I might need lessons. "Hey Niall? Can I borrow one of your guitars?" He nodded. "Thank you Niall. I love you, my prince." He smiled and giggled when I ruffled his hair. "I love you too, princess. What were you gonna do?" I froze. "Uhm.. lessons." His face dropped. "You weren't gonna ask me?" I sighed. "I'm sorry Niall. I would but-" He started to cry. "Niall. I didn't mean to make you upset but.." I sighed. "It's a surprise for Liam. Don't tell him. I was going to get lessons from someone so he wouldn't get suspicious. Please don't cry." I lied. I hope he believed me. I don't want to blow this surprise. "You're lying. You always bite your lip when you lie. I know you. Just forget it. What is this all about?" I sighed. I looked at my feet. "Wait a sec..." I went to my room and called Louis. "Louis... He's suspecting and he knows I lied. What do I do? What do I say? I don't want to ruin this." I started tearing up. "Are you crying?" I sighed. "Yes Louis. I'm crying. I don't want to blow this! I did this all for him. I don't know what to tell him." I whispered. "Just tell him it's a surprise and that he needs to trust you." He said. "Ok. Thanks Louis. Make sure when I go to the thing tomorrow, you're there. I need you to help me with something." I said. "Ok. Bye, love." "Bye Louis." I went out to him and he had a pained expression. "Are you cheating on me?" Tears slipped from his eyes. "Of course not. I would never. Look. It's a surprise. You need to just trust me. I would never try to hurt you." I said kissing his tears away. "I trust you." He said. "I'll be back tonight. I'm just going to the studio. Okay?" He nodded, looking at my lips. I think he was trying to see if I was lying. I left and walked to the studio. I went into the door that said, "Guitarists". I went in and there was the guy that usually does the guitar stuff. He showed me the chords. "Thank you so much! Niall is gonna love this!" He nodded and I left. I went into our house and put the guitar in it's shelf. I did a happy dance. This is going to work. I got a call. "Liam?" I asked. "Yes. I got Justin to come. Just for Niall." "THANK YOU LIAM! I love you so much! I need to make this to you. Give me a few days and I will." I laughed. "Niall is gonna be so happy! You're the best girlfriend that could be there for him. I wouldn't want anybody else by his side." I teared up. "Thank you Liam. I try to be a good girlfriend. I just hope he likes it. I love him so much. Oh make sure to order lots of food. Including pizza." He laughed. "Ok. Wait a minute. Someone's here. Oh its Niall. Wait a minute, love." I heard Niall sobbing. "You took her from me. She's cheating on me with you.. how could you? I thought I could trust you.." "Liam? What's going on? LIAM!!" "Uhm he think you're cheating on him with me... What do I tell him??" I sighed. "Give Niall the phone, please." He sighed. "Niall, she wants to talk to you. Trust me. I'm not with her. If you were eavesdropping than you missed the part where she said she loved you very much." Liam said. "Hello?" A very sad Niall voice said. "Hi Ni. Do you really want me to tell you, what I'm doing. You're just going to ruin everything." I laughed. "Yes. I do." He said. "Well, it's a'll find out tomorrow." "Tomorrow? Tomorrow is my 21st birthday.'s something to do with my birthday, isn't it?" He sighed. "I don't know. You'll find out tomorrow." He laughed. "Ok. Ok. I'll come home." I sighed. At least he doesn't know where it's at, his family's coming, or that Justin Bieber is there to meet him. That would ruin the whole surprise for him.  Niall came in and kissed my cheek. "I'm sorry. I just heard you say...Never mind.. I love you. You know that, right?" I giggled. "Of course I do. I could see how you would think I was with Liam. I was a little loud because he did something for me that made me really happy. Sorry Niall. I love you too." I kissed him and slipped into bed. He slipped in next to me and I went to sleep.
*Next Morning*
Today's his birthday! I got up at 5 am and made french toast and got some orange juice. I put that on a tray and brought it upstairs. He was getting dressed and I went in. "Niall. Here! Breakfast for the birthday boy. Happy Birthday baby!" I smiled. He took it and smiled. "Thank you princess. I love you." I kissed his cheek. "Only for you. Oh!" I remembered that I had gotten matching promise rings and charm bracelets. I went into the closet and put my ring on. I got his and gave him his first present. He opened it and smiled. " We have matching charm bracelets, except for mine which has a girly crown because I'm your princess. Our charm bracelets have an Irish flag on it. It also has a heart with our date of when we started dating carved into it. Oh and a boyish crown because I'm your princes and you are my prince. Then, there's a microphone with yours, Harry's, Liam's , and Louis' name on it. The next one is special one I had made. It's letters that make One Direction and it is pure silver. The last one is a gold rose with, 'I love you' carved in it. You gave me a rose on our first date and wrote You & I, for us. Just know that you're the best boyfriend ever. I also got you a promise ring. I promise that I will always try to make you happy when your sad and to love you until death do us part. I love you so much Niall." I put my bracelet on and tears flowed down my eyes. I smiled. He smiled the biggest I have ever seen him smile. "Thank you so much, princess. This means so much to me." he kissed me passionately. "I have to go do something. Please come to the soccer arena at 6:00pm. No earlier. Please. This is a surprise. You cannot ruin your own birthday. Promise you will?" I asked. He nodded. "I promise, princess. I never break my promises." I nodded, grabbing his guitar that I used last night and drove to the studio. Sure enough when I got there, Liam, Louis, Harry, and Justin Bieber were waiting for me. He looked me up and down. I shifted, uncomfortably and asked, "Hey Liam could you guys practice You & I while I go do something?" "Sure thing, Y/N. Come on! We have to make this perfect for her Nialler!" I laughed, got in my car, and drove to a small house at the end of this road. I thought about what Justin did. He looked like he liked me. I hope he doesn't do that at the party. It would ruin everything. I went to the door on the house and knocked. A boy with brown hair. Although I debate that it is more black. "Y/N? It's great to see you!!" I smiled. "Hey Zayn. I have a favor to ask. Today is Niall's birthday. Could you sing You & I with us and just be there for Niall?" I asked. "Sure. I would be delighted. Anything for one of my best lads. " I smiled. "Thank you so much. You don't know how much this means to me!! C'mon. I'll drive you." We got in my car and drove to the studio. We got out and went in. The boys gasped. Well minus Justin who was staring at my lower half. I had out a red dress on Niall's house and it was for the party. I mentally slapped myself for wearing it. "Zayn??" the boys asked. "She asked me to come to sing You & I and be here for Niall. I said yes cause I knew that it was his birthday. I hate seeing him sad." We practiced with me playing the guitar and then we headed to the soccer arena. When we went in, everything was set. The food, the speakers for music, the soccer balls, the goals, and the small stage in the middle for performances. I screamed in delight. "THIS IS PERFECT!!!! Thank you guys so much!" I put Niall's guitar on the stage and put my last present on the present table. I got Niall a new guitar that he was looking at. I even had his name written on it. I put it in the guitar case and put my card on it. I started to happy cry. I can't believe that everything I envisioned is here. "Are you okay, baby?" I turned around expecting Niall but see Justin. "Oh yes. I'm fine. I am just so happy everything turned out for Niall. He loves you to death. He is such a fan." I smiled. He got closer and I stepped back. "Are you scared of me, baby?" I cringed. "Don't call me that. Call me, Y/N." I said sternly. I crossed my arms. He walked around the back of me. I thought he left but he gave my butt a squeeze. I screamed. I turned around. "You need to leave. Can you see that I'm not comfortable with you? Besides I have boyfriend and I intend on keeping it that way. Either you leave or you stay but stay away from me. I don't want to lose Niall so if you lay another finger on me then you are gone. Got it?!" I said. He scoffed and left. Maybe everything wasn't perfect. I saw Niall come in and I hid in the girls locker room. No boys can come in here. I saw Niall's mom come in and I put my head in my knees. "Y/N?? Are you alright?" I shook my head. "I ruined his surprise. I made Justin Bieber, his idol, leave. He kept calling me baby and touching me. The he just left." I sighed. "Dear. You being here is all he needs. He won't be mad at you. He'll be mad at Justin because he was touching his girl." Maura said. "Thank you, Maura." I wiped my tears away. She nodded and I went out to where Niall was talking to Liam. Niall looked mad. I walked up to him and tried not to cry. Tears ran down my cheeks. He looked at me and his facial expression softened. I grabbed his hand and we by the locker rooms. "I'm sorry that I ruined your party, Niall." I said. "Ruined? No. You did what a girlfriend should do. Liam told me everything. I am not mad at you. I'm mad at Justin. I love you." I smiled. I went out onto the stage with the boys and talked into the microphone. "Hi everyone. This song was written by Niall Horan and this is also dedicated to him. He's been such a perfect boyfriend and I couldn't ask for anyone better. This is You & I. I love you Niall. I started strumming, remembering the chords I was taught.


I figured it out

I figured it out from black and white

Seconds and hours

Maybe they had to take some time


I know how it goes

I know how it goes for wrong and right

Silence and sound

Did they ever hold each other

Tight like us

Did they ever fight like us


You & I

We don't want to be like them

We can make it till the end

Nothing can come between

You & I

Not even the gods above

Could separate the two of us

No nothing can come between

You & I

Oohh You & I


I figured it out

Saw the mistakes of up and down

Meet in the middle

There's always room for common ground


I see what it's like

I see what it's like for day and night

Never together

Cause they see things in a different light

Like us

They never tried like us


You & I

We don't want to be like them

We can make it till the end

Nothing can come between

You & I

Not even the gods above

Could separate the two of us


'Cause You & I


We don't want to be like them

We can make it till the end

Nothing can come between You & I

Not even the gods above

Could separate the two of us

No nothing can come between

You & I


You & I


Oohh You & I [x2]


We can make it if we try

You & I


Oohh you & I

You & I."

I stopped and Niall was grinning. I went down and hugged him. "So that's why you needed lessons.. You are pretty good." he said. "Thank you. That's nice coming from an expert." I smiled. "Oh! Go open the present that's on the very end!" He walked to the table and opened it. "The guitar I wanted! It even has my name on it!! Thank you so much, Y/N!" he opened his other presents and then the party ended. Niall drove Zayn home and I went to our shared house. I got in bed and hummed Little Things. Niall got back, stripped to his boxers, and got in bed. "Happy birthday, my love." I said. "Thank you." I pulled my hands through his hair and suddenly he went to sleep. I laughed and snuggled next to him. "Goodnight Niall." then sleep hit me like a truck.

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