Drunk Night (Requested)

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Prompt: Niall comes home drunk from a night out with the lads. You get mad at him, fight, and after a while you guys make up.

Niall's Point of View
"Hey Princess?!" I yelled. "Yes Ni?" She said as she came downstairs. "Is it alright if I have a night out with the lads?" She smiled and nodded. "Please don't be out too late Ni. I'll be worried about you." I kiss her and leave to my car. When I get to the pub, I meet up with Louis, Harry, and Liam. "Hey lads. Long time no see!" I give them all brotherly hugs and order us all a beer.
Your Point of View
I'm kind of bummed. Today was our anniversary of 3 years. That's why I asked him to make dinner cause he's a much better cook than I am. When I have him the sign that he could go, I was actually really sad. I can't believe he forgot. But, since the break, he hasn't been able to see the lads, and that's why I let him go. I started eating and put Niall's portion in the fridge. I can't believe he forgot. One his my boyfriend and two, it's even trending on Twitter.

Y/Twitter/N: Thank you for all your kind anniversary messages. At least you guys remembered. X. #HappyAnniversaryNiallandY/N

I set my phone down and cried. He doesn't love me. I mean I could of stopped him, but I chose to be not clingy and let him. My phone snapped me out of my thoughts. "Hello?" I said. "Did Niall really forget today was your anniversary?" Harry asked. I sniffled. "Yea. It's true." I sighed. "He's drunk. Like he had too much. I'm bringing him over." I mumbled an "Okay." And hung up. Uh oh. Twitter was trending something else.

2: #HappyAnniversaryNiallandY/N
3: #NiallForgot

Harry opened the door and set Niall on the couch. "Take care of him and then talk to him." I nodded and thanked him. I huffed. He should've remembered. "Why ya mad princess?" He said in a slurred voice. "Don't call me princess." I said calmly. I pulled him upstairs and then he stopped. "What the heck is your problem? Are you mad that I went out? I'm aloud to hang out with my friends you know!" "That's not what I'm mad about. Today was supposed to be our day. 3 years ago today you asked me to be your girlfriend! I let you go because you haven't seen the lads in a while. I didn't want to be clingy so I let you go even when I was sad. You're drunk too so you don't ever know what the heck you're talking about, Niall!" His face didn't soften, he just got angrier. "Our day?! That's really selfish and bratty. I haven't seen the lads in so long. I see you every day!' He said. "Well everyday is not today you insensitive idiot! I'm done!" I shoved a water bottle and asprin in his hand and stormed to my room and slammed the door. I started sobbing. "He doesn't even care. He forgot. He doesn't love me." Sobs racked my body as I tried to go to sleep. I woke up the next morning alone. Then I remembered last night. I heard a groan from the living room and went out. The water was gone and so was the pills. I got him another water bottle, more asprin, and set it beside him. Just because I'm mad at him doesn't mean I care any less about his health. "Ouch.. my head. What in the heck happened?" I sighed. "You got drunk with the boys last night. Ended up forgetting our uhm... anniversary. Do you still love me? Do you care?" I said as my lip quivered. I heard him cuss under his breath. "I'm so sorry. Oh my gosh, I'm such an idiot. Why did you stay? I love you so much. I know what day it was but I didn't know what today was. I'm sorry I was so drunk. Liam said he saw someone spike my drink. A girl tried to make a move on me but I pushed her away and Louis made sure she didn't come back. If it makes you feel better, I did get you an anniversary pretty.." He hugged me. "You called me selfish and bratty for wanting you to stay home." He looked down in shame. "You're not. You had every right to be mad at me. I didn't hit you, did I? Oh my gosh. I'm such an idiot." He was freaking out. "Niall, you didn't hurt me physically. All you did was saying some things that weren't that hurtful. You just weren't in your right mind. I love you Niall. I love you too much to leave." I kissed him and kissed back. He pulled away and ran to the bathroom. I could hear him puking his guts out. I brought the water and pills, and opened the door. "Ni... the next time you go out, please be more careful. What if they spiked it with drugs.. what if you were kidnapped?" I said in tears. "Alright Princess. I will. Can I have those headache pills now?" I nodded and gave them to him. We walked to the bedroom and he immediately went to the closet. "Here. It's your anniversary present. Sorry that I forgot. It won't happen again. I promise." I opened it and there was a three things. A snap back that had, "Niall's Girl" on it, a bracelet that had a heart pendant, and a necklace with an N pendant. Niall took his out with the letter of my first name. "I knew it was this week, but since I was caught up in golfing, I didn't seem to be able to look. I'm so sorry. I hope this makes up for it." I nodded and kissed him. "These are amazing Ni! Put my necklace on for me?" He nodded and clipped it. He kissed me cheek and smiled. I got out a box and gave it to him. "It's not much but here." He opened it and took out an Irish snap back that said, "Kiss me, I'm Irish" on it, a new pair if sunglasses, and tickets for me and him to go to a football game. "These are amazing. Thank you so much."  He took a picture of us with all our things and tweeted about it.

@NiallOfficial: I feel absolutely terrible. I should of looked at the date. We're all good now. Thanks for the great messages ! #HappyAnniversaryNiallandY/N
*picture attatched*

I kissed him and smiled. From then on her kept his promise and never forget again.

Hey guys! This is the first request ever! So go follow Samikshanavyanavu because she was the first to request! She thought of the story line *as seen in the picture above* and I wrote it. Enjoy!!~Abby

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