The Fire

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Your Point of View
I was sitting on my bed doing absolutely nothing when I smelled something putrid outside my door. I was home alone and even Louis wasn't here. Yes, if you're asking, I am related to Louis Tomlinson of One Direction. I'm one of his younger sisters. I go to open my door and it burned my hand. It left a least a second degree burn. Then it hit me. There's a fire. Flames started coming in as I coughed and coughed. I got low to the ground because fire rises. I got my phone and called the police. "911, what's your emergency?" I coughed and said, "I'm closed in my room with a fire and it's outside my door." She gasped. "I'm sending in the fire department now." I hung up and covered my mouth. I called Louis. "Ello?" "Louis there's a fire and I'm stuck in my room. The fire department is coming to our house. Just hurry." I heard him start crying while telling mum what's happening. "Hold on, Y/N. We'll be there in a jiffy." I hung up and coughed. What could of set anything on fire? Wait a minute.. Daisy always has a candle running in her room to make it smell good. It must have been by something flammable. I opened the window, but it only made it worse. I got on the floor and layed there. I heard a bang as I closed my eyes. "Y/N!" Niall? He's my boyfriend and he works at the fire department. My door burst open and there stood Niall in his gear. He picked me up, muttering that everything would be okay. I started coughing, inhaling the fumes. He burst out of the house and put me on a stretcher. Niall started to cry as they took me into the ambulance. He had to stay to put out the fire. "Miss, what's your name?" I coughed and said, "Y/N Tomlinson." Two of the EMT's hooked me up to a heart moniter and got out a fluid bag. They hooked me up to that fluid bag and listened to my heart rate. Then I blacked out.

Niall's Point of View
I started to cry as they took my girlfriend away. Y/N has been with me for 3 years. She saved me from depression. Bella broke up with me a year before I met Y/N and if I lose her now, I'm going to break. But I had a job to do. Put out this fire. Y/N wouldn't want me like this. I helped the guys spray water into Daisy's window and then I went in the house. I ran up the stairs to Daisy's room and saw that a candle was by the curtain. The curtain was completely destroyed. That's what started the fire. I went into Y/N's room and only half of her room was ruined. I got her blanket and left to the hospital. That's when I broke down. Tears flowed down my cheeks. I wiped the tears away and hugged the blanket. What if she's dead? I got out of the car and went inside.

Your Point of View
I woke up in a hospital room and my brother hovering over me. "Y/N!" Louis yelled. I covered my ears and rolled my eyes. "Even when I'm hurt you're still loud. Gosh Louis." He laughed and kissed my cheek. "I love you Y/N. I thought we'd lost you. Niall is the most broken though." "Can I see him?" Louis kissed me on my forehead and nodded. He left and Niall came in. It looked like he'd been crying. "Niall.." I patted the bed and he layed beside me, crying into my neck. "I thought I lost you. They called in a fire for your house and I freaked out. I hoped you and your family weren't in it. But I was wrong. You were on the ground, slowly dying of suffocation. When they took you, I thought you might die. I was so scared. I don't want to lose you." He buried his head into my neck and kissed it. He put a blanket around me that was from my house. "Your room isn't completely destroyed. Daisy left a candle by the curtain and that curtain is far from gone." He chuckled. I smiled and the doctor came in. "Well, Miss Tomlinson, you're alright, other then a slight burn to your hand. You're free to go. I got up and my family was waiting out there. I took Niall's hand and whispered, "I love you, Niall." He grinned. "I love you too, Princess." Daisy came up to me with tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry for leaving a candle on. I didn't mean to." I put my fingers through her hair. "It's quite all right, Daisy." She hugged me and Louis came over. He hugged me tightly. "I thought I lost you, sis." I hugged the rest of my family and we decided to crash in a hotel. We're going to rebuild out house since we have enough money to. Louis makes way more than enough. I got a hotel room with me and I layed in his arms and started hearing him singing. "But if you like causing trouble up in hotel rooms, and if you like having secret little rendezvous. If you like to do the things you know that we shouldn't do, then baby, I'm perfect." I laughed. "I love you Ni. You're perfect." I fell asleep knowing I'd be in the right hands. Before I went to sleep, I heard, "There's no words to describe how much you mean to me. I love you, Y/N."

Sorry for the inconvenience. I've been busy. Now. Trying to right every day. Thank you and enjoy it!!!!~Abby

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