His Brat of A Girlfriend

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Niall's Point of View
"Niall? Baby boy, you're girlfriend is here." My mom called to me. I rushed down the stairs and hugged her. "I love you mum. Bye." She kissed my cheek and I grabbed my car keys plus my wallet. I opened the door and there was Morgan. "Let's go. Shall we?" She smiled and got in my car. I got in the other side and drove off to the park. When we got there, I opened the door for her and went to the ice cream stand. "What flavor?" The man asked. "Vanilla for her and strawberry for me." He gave us the cones and we walked to the bench. As I was eating, I saw my best friend, Y/N. She got an ice cream and looked over the the benches, her eyes meeting mine. She waved and smiled. I waved back but she put her head down in sadness and walked away. That was odd.. "I love you Morgan." She smiled. "Same." Well that hurt. She didn't exactly say, I love you. Oh well.
Your Point of View
I had waved to Niall and his brat of a girlfriend glared at me. What is her problem? I mean seriously, we're best friends but that doesn't mean stuff is going on between us. I went to a bench alone and sat. As I knew was going to happen, Morgan walked over here. "Hi...Morgan." I was trying to be nice. She scoffed, rolling her eyes. "If you keep rolling your eyes, maybe you'll find a brain back there." I retorted. She pushed me. "What is your problem? Seriously, what have I ever done to you? Huh?"
"You're annoying and I don't want you near Niall. Got it, fatty?" I shook my head. "No can do. He's my best friend." She smirked. "Stay away from him or you die." She pushed me to the ground and kicked me. "Got it?" I nodded, waiting to get up until she left. She walked over to Niall and he looked angry. I got up and walked to my house which was right next to Niall's. I knocked on his door. His mother opened it and she smiled. "Hello sweetheart. What can I do for you?" I looked at her and said, "Can we talk?" Of course. Come in." I walked in and she said, "Talk to me." "You know Niall's new girlfriend? Well, shew very mean and she threatened me today. I waved to Niall cause we were coincidently in the same place at the same time. She glared at me and her body language was saying stay away. So I went to a bench in the park and she came over. She said if I didn't stay away from him, if die." I said. "Oh. Well I guess she isn't the best choice. I'll tell him tonight. He's hanging out with her the whole day. "Thank you Maura." She smiled, hugging me. "No problem. Bye sweetness." I left and walked to the store. Yet again, there they were. I sighed, annoyed. She glared at me. I walked into the store and I felt like I was being followed. I looked around and there was Morgan with Niall again. I think shes trying to break our friendship. I bought, tissues just in case she upsets me. I left and entered my house. I got a knock on the door. I opened it and there was Morgan. "Can't you leave me alone?" She pushed me in and found a vase. She picked it up and smashed in my head. I fell to the floor. I groaned. She found the heart Niall had sent me years ago and ripped it up. Tears traveled down my eyes. Niall came in and said, "Morgan, we're over. Leave." She slapped him, kicked me, and finally slammed the door. "She ripped the heart you sent me that said best friends forever on it." He smiled. "That can be replaced but you can't." He picked me up and brought me to his house. He knocked and Maura gasped when she opened it. "Baby boy, what happened?" He looked stern. "I broke up with Morgan cause she kept being horrible to Y/N. I wasn't putting up with it. She was a brat. How did I ever end up with her? There's only one girl I want and it's the girl I'm holding right now. I love you Y/N." He turned his frown into a smile and fixed me up. Once I was done washing up, I walked slowly down the stairs and Niall was holding something behind his back. "Uh..Niall? What are you doing?" He smiled and I walked up to him. He gave a heart to me that said, "Y/N and Niall, Best Friends Forever. Will you go out with me?" I smiled and nodded. I hugged him and said, "I love you Niall." He sighed, what sounded like relief. "I love you too." Unexpectedly, he put a necklace with today's date and our first name initial, around my neck. Then he kissed me. My heart fluttered and I heard Maura awe. Niall pulled away and smiled. I knew right then and there that this would be a perfect relationship.

I'm soooooo sorry about the inconvenience. I've been busy and hadn't had time to update. Enjoy!~Abby

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