The Best Boyfriend Ever

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Your Point of View
I feel so sick. I keep coughing and I'm super cold. I felt my head and I was burning up. I didn't have the strength to get up so, I'm going to have to call someone. Maybe Niall? I dialed his number and he instantly picked up. "Hi Y/N. What's up?" I coughed and then groaned. "I...don't feel well. Can you maybe come help? I'm too weak to get out of bed. I hate calling you cause I know you're busy and I just hate asking for help." I said, coughing more. "Oh.. I'll be right over princess." I hung up and started crying. My whole body ached and I was weak. I can't even get out of this dang bed. It makes me so mad. I'll have to make this up for Niall. I know! I got him that new guitar he's been looking at. I heard the door slam and then clunks up the stairs. I shut my eyes. I heard my bedroom door open and close. "Princess? Are you awake?" I cleared my throat and said, "Yes. Can I have my medicine? It's in the cupboard down in the kitchen." I breathed heavily. "Of course, princess." He came back with meds, an ice pack, and extra pillow. He put the pillow on the floor and gave me my medicine. I made a face. "Ew." I said. He kissed my forehead and put the ice pack on it. I got groggy and couldn't remember certain things cause I was tired. I know that Niall took care of me, though. I heard a clunk and an opening of a door. I opened my eyes and Niall was putting tea on my bedside and meds right beside it. "Princess.. can I take your temp??" I nodded, coughing and wheezing. He gave me a sympathetic look and put the thermometer in my mouth. He took it out and looked at it. His face went pale. "'s 102.4. You need a doctor to check you." I nod. He picks me up bridal style and puts me in the running car, driving to the nearest hospital. We go in and her called in. "So what has be happening? Tell me everything." The doctor said, as she took out a notepad. "It started this morning. I felt weak and couldn't get out of bed. I've been coughing, wheezing, and hacking. My temperature was 102.4 when Niall checked. I just feel like crap." I said, laying on Niall's shoulder, sitting in a chair beside him. She checked me and said, "Very bad case of the flu. Here's the medicine. Take it every day. Doesn't matter what time, but take it when you get home, alright?" I nod. She gives Niall the meds and looks at him with lust. "Can we go home now? Nialler?" I asked, coughing. "Yes princess. Come ere'. We'd better get you back. Thank you doctor. Should we come back for a check up in a few days?" She nodded, biting her lip. Niall picked me up bridal style again and I layed my head on his shoulder..
Dear God, please help... She gave him a note that said what time to come and then there was another with her number on it. It said, "Ditch the girl and come by my place tonight. I'll be waiting." Tears welled my eyes. I trust him... The doctor left and Niall ripped it up. "Thank you." I said. "For?" He asked, putting me into the car. "Ripping up the note and taking good care of me." He smiled. "No problem princess. The only one I love is you and you only. Remember that. Besides, she's too old for me anyway." He laughed. I smiled. He got in the car and drove us home. When we got there he picked me up and set me in my bed. I groaned. I'm still in pain but I'm better with Niall. He came back up with my new meds and tea. I took it and he kissed my cheek. "Night my princess." After that I instantly fell asleep.
Next Morning
I woke up and I was alone. I looked around and Niall was gone. I got up and tripped a box. I screamed I'm agony. "Shoot!" I got up and limped downstairs. Liam was at the bottom of the stairs. "Liam? What are you doing here?" He smiled. "I'm here to check on you and Niall. Are you okay? You made quite the noise. Guess where he is." I shrugged. I limped down the rest of the stairs and sat in the couch. "Yea. I just tripped over a box." Liam laughed. "Look in the spare bedroom." I got up and walked to the bedroom beside the kitchen. He was sleeping on the couch, laying on his stomach. Soft snores could be heard. I giggled. "He really loves you, Y/N. He texted me saying he stayed up all night to make sure you were okay. He asked to me to come over to make sure when he was sleeping this morning that you'd know where he was and not freak out. He told me about that doctor. Ew..." I laughed. "I love him so much. I would never think of hurting him. He's so sweet and deserves to be loved and not hated." I was feeling so much better. Tears filled my eyes. "It's so happy to know he'd do this for me. That's why I got him this." I went to the kitchen and got a guitar that he'd been wanting. I brought it back to Liam and he gasped. "Is that the guitar he wanted for so long?" I nodded. "You are quite the girlfriend. He loves you with all his heart." I blushed. I heard a yawn and a groan from the spare room. I hid the guitar and limped to the spare room. "Princess? Are you okay?" "Yea I tripped over a box. Dang... Liam told me everything. Thank you so much!" I hugged him and kissed his face all over. "Only for you Y/N." He said. "I have a surprise for you! Come on! Liam's still here!!" I ran to the kitchen, forgetting I had pain and grabbed the guitar. "TA DA!!!" I showed him. "You didn't! Oh my gosh! Thank you princess!" Liam left and we cuddled the rest of the day. I knew u chose the right guy for my heart.

Sooooo... it's not good but, I think it's sweet! Would you mind commenting ideas?~Abby

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