Crystals First Word

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Your Point of View
"Come on, little princess, say, daddy. Dad-dy." I heard Niall say. He's been so overjoyed lately and I love it. Crystal brings him so much joy. I walked into our room and peaked in. Ever since we brought her home, she's been mesmerized by his eyes. She's always trying to grab them and it's so cute to watch them interact. She's about 6 months old and Niall is trying to get her to talk. "Come on, say, daddy." She gurgled and lays her head on him. He grinned. I walked closer and sat next to him. Crystal looked at me and smiled, grabbing up at me. "Hello, cutie pie. Are you just chilling with Daddy? Oh yes, you are." I said in a baby voice. Niall kissed my cheek and giggled. She gurgled and reached for me, again. I took her from Ni and kissed all over her face. She smiled widely at my gesture and then reached for Niall. Once she was situated in Niall's arms,  she zonked out. Niall laughed, quietly and put her in her crib. Since the crib was in our room, it didn't take long for us to flop on our beds. "Thank you, Princess." Niall said. "For what, Ni?" I glanced at him. "For giving me so much happiness. You brought Crystal into the world and I just can't thank you enough." I laughed, fondly. "But, you helped, Ni Ni." I said, giggling. "I know, But you carried her for almost a year. You dealt with all the symptoms." I smiled. "Yes, I know. But Niall, you made it bearable. You helped me get through it, so I have to thank you as well." He blushed a deep red. "Okay, Princess." Suddenly, I heard cries. I looked over at her crib and she was squirming. Niall ran over, picked her up, and rocked her in his arms. "D-Dada." she said as she was crying. I gasped. "Niall!" I grinned. I knew that would be her first word. Niall's eyes widened and he started to kiss all over her face. Her cries turned into cute little giggles.  "D-Dada." She looked into his eyes and started grabbing for them. He laughed his signature laugh and looked at me. "I knew her first word was going to be Dad. She loves you. I have a feeling that she will be a Daddy's girl." Niall grinned and saw that she was asleep. He carefully set her in and came over to me. He quickly got changed and cuddled in next to me. "I'm so happy. I wouldn't have any other way." He nuzzled his head into my neck and I smiled, hearing soft snores. The next day I called Maura. Niall was still asleep and I had gotten Crystal up for her breakfast of pureed bananas. "Hello?" "Hey, Maura! I just wanted to tell you some good news!" I heard her giggle and say, "And that is?" "Crystal said her first word!" She gasped and then said, "Let me guess... Did the word have to do with Niall? Dad, maybe?" I laughed. "Mhm. She said, Dada. Here, let me show you. Crystal-" Before I could ask her, Niall walked in the room and she said, "Dada!!!" Maura laughed. "I'm guessing Niall walked in the room?" I giggled. "Yup. He just woke up." "Well Dear, I'll let you go. Bye now." she said. I hung up and laughed. "Hey baby girl, are you having bananas for breakfast? It looks like it. You have it all over your face." Niall said in a baby voice. He kissed her head and then came over and kissed my lips. "Your mom assumed her first word was going to be about you." He laughed, "What can I say? I am a very likable person." I playfully glared, "Don't get too big of an ego there, Niall." he laughed again and kissed me. I called my mom and she picked up right away. "Hello!" I smiled and said, "Crystal said her first word!" "Let me guess, Dad?" I pouted. " That was what Maura said. Yes, she said, Dada. Here, I'll try to get her to do it. Niall-" I was cut off yet again with her crying his name, "Dada!" Niall had left the room. "What did you do?" "I didn't do anything. Niall left the room." My mom giggled. "She is so attached to him. It's adorable." Niall had run in and was cleaning her up. "Shh.. you're okay, my mini princess." he kept kissing her forehead and her nose. She giggled. "I'm going to die of cuteness, Mum." I said, starting to cry. "Why? What did Niall do this time?" She teased. "He made her stop crying in minutes. When Niall is at work, it takes me so long to get her to calm down. He is special to her. You can see it." I sniffled. "Aw, don't cry, baby. Happy tears, right?" Mum asked. "Yes, Mum. Always with Niall." She laughed. "I'll let you go. Bye, darling." "Bye, Mum." I hung up and started trying to wipe my tears as they kept coming. Niall glanced at me and quickly put Crystal back in her highchair. He ran over to me and pulled me into a hug. "What's wrong, Princess?" I nuzzled my head into his neck. "You. You're so good with her. It takes you minutes to calm her down, while it takes me hours. You have a special touch to you and I just-" He cut me off, "She doesn't love me more than you, I promise that." I shook my head. "That is not even remotely what I meant. It makes me so happy that you have a special bond with her. It makes me so emotional and happy." He grinned and kissed me, getting Crystal out of her chair. She grabbed for me and I took her. "I love you, Crystal. I'll always be your Mama." her eyes lit up and she said, "M-Mama." My mouth dropped. "Mama! Dada!!" Niall laughed and hugged both of us. I have the best family a girl could ever ask for. "I love you Princess, and I love you too, mini princess." "I love you too, Niall." You can probably guess what her third word was. it was the word, food. Yup, you guessed it. Guess who taught that to her? Niall! Boy, he is going to be the death of me, but I wouldn't have it any other way.  

Hey, Guys! Hey, look... I FINALLY UPDATED! You should be proud of me. Oh, just a heads up, I have 3 pending requests for this story, so bear with me. I've been busy, so if you haven't seen yours yet, it's being written.~Abby

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