I Wish ~Niall

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Your Point of View
Niall's been acting weird lately. When ever I talk to him, he looks at me with his sad blue eyes. We're best friends so it really hurts me to see Niall not his funny, happy, hungry self. I enter my boyfriend's house and he instantly hugs me. "Hello, babe." "Hi Jake." I sat on his couch and zoned out. Why is Niall like this? Why is he so miserable? Jake shaking me took me out of my trance. "Huh? Sorry. I was just thinking." "About what?" He asked. "My best friend has been acting really weird. He's miserable and I don't know why. It's really worrying me." He hates Niall so I decided not to mention his name. I don't want him getting hurt. Jake frowned. "Is it Niall?" I sighed. "Yes." He slapped me. "We're through. You obviously care about him more than my needs so, get your stuff and get out." I rushed out and started crying I'm my car. My cheek throbbed. I drove to Niall's house and knocked on his door. Tears traveled down my cheeks. Niall was looking at the ground when he opened the door. "Niall..." I hugged him and cried into his shoulder. "What's wrong, Y/N? Why are you crying and why is your cheek red? Wait, did Jake do this?" I nodded. "He broke up with me and slapped me." I said as we sat on the couch. I buried my head into the crook of his neck. "Why did he do it?" He asked. I sighed. "I was thinking about something and he thought I cared more about that than I did him, so he hurt me and kicked me out." I sighed again. "I was thinking about you Niall. You've been acting really weird lately and it's been bothering me. I don't want you sad. I want you to be your happy, funny, and hungry self. Can you tell me what's wrong?".
Niall's Point of View
For the last few weeks I've been beating myself up. I have a crush on Y/N. Y/N got a boyfriend and every time I see them kiss, I break inside. Everytime I try to tell her my feelings, my words get trapped. I just can't do it. Why would she want to be with me? Now he broke up with her, I could try. The only thing I'm scared of is rejection. What if she hates me? Jake bullied me and made me feel under him. "I-I.. don't know.." She frowned. "You can tell me anything, Niall." I shook my head as tears rolled down my cheeks. "Niall, it's okay. Tell me when you're ready." She hugged me and I sighed. "You deserve to know. From day one when you dated Jake, he put me down and told me I would never have a chance with... you. I have a crush on you and he bullied me constantly. I've been beating myself up about you. He said I was clingy, pathetic, ugly, and a lot of other stuff. I wanted you to my girlfriend but he, ruined me." She looked down and hugged me. "Of course I'll be your girlfriend."
Your Point of View
I can't believe he's been beating himself up inside because of my ex. "Niall, I've had a crush on you for a while. He's been abusing me for a while now and now I'm happy he broke up with me. I can be with you. You'll always be good enough for me. Niall, you are worth it, okay?" I kissed him and he hugged me while doing so. He stopped and said, "Are we officially a couple?" I nodded, kissing his cheek. "Y/N?" I looked at him and hummed. "I can stop wishing that Jake was me since you're by my side. Please don't ever leave." I shook my head and said, "I would never leave you, Niall. Never."

Here it is. Sorry about the inconvenience. I'll try to update more often. One Direction has announced their 5th album song names and Perfect, Track 3 I'd coming out THIS FRIDAY. Get ready Directioners, because it's coming. Follow me on Twitter= @1D_4_life1234. Please and thank you. Enjoy!~Abby

Niall Horan ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora