Missing (Requested)

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You and Niall have been dating for 3 years when something bad happens. You get in a car crash and everyone thinks you're dead because you disappeared. Someone kidnaps you and takes you from Mullingar to a small town in Ireland where nobody really pays attention to. That's when you come to realize that you can contact him and Niall finds out you're alive, so he comes and saves you. Requested by sachgill2003.

Your Point of View
I was driving to Niall's house when a car was coming right for me. I tried to react quickly, but it came right at me and it hit me. My car rolled 4 times and into a ditch. I felt blood drip down my face and my car was in fact, upside down. I couldn't move and my head was killing me. I heard voices. In a small voice, I said, "Help!" I looked over to my side. The door was opened and scrunched up. "Miss?" I breathed heavily, feeling like my lungs didn't want to work. "Help..." I said softly. Someone pulled me out and put me on a stretcher. "Are you okay? What's your name?" I saw an ambulance and then coughed up blood. "Y/Full/N. Can you please call my boyfriend, Niall?" I said weakly. The girl nodded and grabbed the shattered phone that I handed her and dialed a number. "Hello?" I heard Niall's angelic voice say. "Yes, this is a paramedic. A drunk driver crashed into you're girlfriend's car and she is in critical condition. We're taking her to the ER." The line was silent and then I heard sobbing and a soft, "Okay." She put the phone in my pocket and rolled me to the ambulance. I groaned. "Just to make sure, can you tell me your boyfriend's full name and his birth date?" I nodded. "Niall James Horan. His birth date is 9/13/93." Then I told her my birthday so she would know I didn't have any memory loss. Once the ambulance arrived at the hospital, they rolled me into the emergency room. "Niall. I want Niall." I said, starting to have a panic attack. "Calm down. He's in the waiting room. Want me to go get him?" I nodded, my panic attack getting worse. It didn't help that I had asthma. "Y/N?" I glanced at Niall and reached for my pocket, grabbing my inhaler. I took a few puffs and was back to normal again. "What happened?" He sat by my bed and I reached for his hand. Niall obliged and held my hand, waiting for my response. "I was driving when someone went into my lane. Before I could react, it hit me and my car rolled 4 times. Thankfully, I was wearing my seatbelt because I'm only in a little pain. My heads the worst." Niall squeezed my hand and I squeezed back. "We're going to take you to your own room. We want to keep you overnight because of your injuries." I nodded and glanced at Niall. "I was so scared. Never scare me like that again, Princess." I smiled. "Mmm, okay. Sorry Ni."

Little did they know that he would have more of a scare than that.

One of the nurses wheeled the bed they put me in, into a small room with an old lady on the other side the room in a bed as well. "I love you, Princess." After visiting hours were over, Niall left and I got some good sleep. I felt a breeze and thought nothing of it, pulling up the blankets. Before I knew it, a guy put his hand over my mouth. Then I feel a pain and see blood. The person had pulled my IV out. The next thing I know, I'm being dragged into a van. "Help! Mmmph!" The person put a cloth over my mouth and I immediately passed out.

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