You Overhear Niall On the Phone

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Your Point of View
"Niall I'm going to the store!" I yelled. I went closer to the kitchen. Niall was talking on the phone so I started eavesdropping. "Huh? Yea, Y/N is clingy. No no. It's not annoying. But here's the thing-" I started backing away and crying. I packed all my stuff and put it in my car. Before I left, I wrote him a note.

Dear Nialler,
I'm sorry that I'm clingy. I'll get out of your hair so you won't have to deal with me anymore. I'm going away for a while and I guess I'm saying we're over. I love you very much, Niall. I hope you find someone who will love you for you. All the love. X.

I started my car up and drove away.

Niall's Point of View
"Huh?" I asked into the phone. "I said, is Y/N clingy?" Liam asked. "Yea, Y/N is clingy." "Does this annoy you?" Liam questioned once again. "No no. It's not annoying. But here's the thing, Liam. I love it. It makes me feel wanted and loved. I don't see it as clingy. I see it as overly affectionate. I love her so much and I wouldn't say for a minute that she was annoying." I poured my heart out to him. "Gosh Nialler. You're so whipped buddy." I laughed. "I have to go. See ya mate!" I said cheerfully. "Bye Ni!" I hung up and walked out of the kitchen. On the living room coffee table was a note. Probably Y/N saying she went to the store. I heard her but I didn't respond. I picked the note up and my heart stopped.

Dear Nialler,
I'm sorry that I'm clingy. I'll get out of your hair so you won't have to deal with me anymore. I'm going away for a while and I guess I'm saying we're over. I love you very much, Niall. I hope you find someone who will love you for you. All the love. X.

My heart dropped. She overheard my conversation with Liam... But I confessed my love about her. Maybe all she cared about was the clingy part. I called Liam as I sobbed. What if I lost her for good? "Hey Niall." I sniffled. "Ni? What's wrong?" I breathed. "She left me." I choked out. "What? Why?" Liam asked with worry. "She overheard our talk and wrote me a note that said she was breaking up with me and apologized for being clingy. I don't know what to do. I don't know where she is. I'm just... lost without her." I sobbed. "Write her a letter and bring it to her parents house. I'll call her tomorrow morning and tell her exactly what you said cause I know if she gets a call from you she may just ignore it. Just don't fret lad, we'll fix this. I'll help you. You didn't do anything wrong. It was just a miscommunication." I mumbled a "Yes." and hung up. I better get to writing.

Dear Princess,
You can't get rid of me that easily and I know you heard Liam and my conversation but, you don't understand. I love how clingy you are. It makes me feel wanted and loved. You are not annoying, love. I'm sorry if I hurt you and I understand if you never want to see me again. I feel so bad for hurting you. I'm so so sorry. I feel like such an awful human being. I wish I could just make this all better. I'm scared to call you because I know you're not going to answer. You're upset with me. I get it. I'm an idiot, you know that? I don't deserve you and I never will. You deserve so much better. But I will always love you with all my heart.
~Your Nialler♡.

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