You Get Kidnapped

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Your Point of View
My heart fluttered from the last moments. Niall just asked me to marry him! Of course I said yes and we are celebrating by having a dinner date out to Nandos. Yes, Nandos. We both love this place and I insisted that any place would suit for my liking. Especially Nandos! "You don't know how happy you make me, Y/N. I hope you'll always be my princess. I could never live without you." He looked deeply into my eyes. Tears rolled down my cheeks. "You are the sweetest guy I've ever met. I love you, Nialler." I kissed his cheek. Our food came and he stared off into space. "Niall?" I asked. He snapped back into reality and looked at me. "What?" He asked, taking a bite his food. "You were staring off into space. You okay?" I said, taking a drink of my water. He nodded. "Through this whole relationship... I never got to ask you if you had other boyfriend's. I know that's in the past but I want to make sure you're safe. Yanno?" My eyes widened. "I uh... uhm.." I cleared my throat and coughed. I looked down. "Yes. I had one... I.." Tears welled up in my eyes as I remembered my first boyfriend. The abusive kind. Niall's expression softened. "If you don't want to tell me, it's okay. I understand. Don't push yourself. Let's go home. Where it's private." I got up and walked to his car and got in. He got in the driver's side and drove to our house. We got there and we went inside. I sat on the couch and as Niall sat down, I snuggled up to him. "His name was Justin. He was so nice at first. I thought he actually loved me. Turns out he only wanted to hurt me. I guess he thought that I thought of myself highly and that I think I'm better than everyone. From the start he deceived me. Everyday he told me he loved me until the day before my 19th birthday. Then on he abused me. I tried getting away from him, but he always found a way to find me and hurt me. A year and a half later, I found you. I guess you made me forget about him. You made me think that every guy isn't the same. You and the boys are so nice and I'm so lucky to have you as a fiancé." I faintly smiled. His blue eyes looked down to the floor in sadness. "Niall, I'm okay now. It's alright. You saved me." I kissed his cheek. He looked at me and hate filled his eyes. "That doesn't give him a reason to hurt you. If I ever see him... I'm going to beat the crap out of him. You deserve to be loved and happy like what I'm giving you. Not hurt by your partner." His expression changed to sadness again. "Are you okay, princess?" I nodded. I pulled up my shirt to show him a knife scar. "He did that??" I nodded. "I'm sorry I never told you. You had a right to know." I said, sighing. "No, no. You were uncomfortable. I understand why you didn't tell me. It makes me happy that me and the boys made you not think about him. Let's go to bed, yea? Maybe snuggle and watch a movie?" He asked and pouted like a child. His blue eyes turned to blue puppy eyes. I laughed. "Of course, Niall." I kissed his cheek and ran upstairs. As I put on my pj's, Niall came in and stripped to his boxers. I sat on the bed and he tackled me. As he was on top of me, he started tickling me. I laughed uncontrollably. "Niall! Stop!" He stopped and smiled innocently. I playfully glared at him. "Goofball." I said. He laughed. "Yup and I'm proud to be one!" He giggled. I got up and put Aladdin in and snuggled up to him. "I love you, Niall. You know this, right? I would never in a million years try to hurt you. You're like my personal body guard and I don't mind. But that won't stop me from protecting you either." I smiled. "I love you too, Princess. I love taking care of you when you're sad because I can always find a way to make you happy again. Of course I'm like your body guard. I can't have you hurt. I couldn't bear to lose you, Y/N. I can't bear that you're not with me. That's why I asked you to marry me. I love you so much and I need you by my side for the rest of our lives" I had tears going down my eyes. "You are so sweet." He smiled. "Only for you, Princess." Suddenly, I felt the urge of thirst. "I'm thirsty. I'm going to go get something. Want a soda?" I asked. "Sure. Thank you Y/N." He kissed my nose. I giggled. I got my slippers on and walked down the stairs. I got into the kitchen and the sliding backdoor was open. I frowned. Just then someone's hand went over my mouth as the glass shattered on the floor and the guy dragged me out to a van. I bit his hand and screamed. "Niall! Help!" He threw me into the van and then it started moving. I started to cry. Why is it always us?
Niall's Point of View
She's been down there for a long time. I went down stairs and both doors were open. Glass pieces on the floor. A note was tacked to the wall.

If you want your precious Y/N back, come to old abandoned house on Harmony Ave. to fight me for her. I'll be waiting, Lucky Charms. She's mine. You will lose this battle so if you come, just know you'll die.
~Justin, her ex boyfriend.

I started to sob. What do I do? I need to call somebody. Liam! The boys..
"Ello? Louis speaking." Thats odd. Liam never lets Louis have his phone. "L-Louis? It's Y/N. Her ex-boyfriend took her. He told me where but I need help. Please. I just proposed to her and this happens.." I sobbed. "That son of a-" Louis was about to say but I interupted. "Are you guys in? I need help. He's probably beating her up.. please Louis." I sighed. "Of course. Where's it at? We'll meet you there."
I looked at the note. "An abandoned house on Harmony Avenue." I said. "Ok. We'll meet you there!" He said, as he hung up. I drove my car to the location, hoping nobody hurt my princess.

Your Point of View
He pulls me out of the van and puts cuffs on my ankles attaching me to the wall. "Justin. What do you want with me? I did nothing to you... please.." he scoffed. "You're stuck up and you have a perfect life. People with perfect lives, deserved to be punished." He got out a knife and put it to my neck. I inched away from him. "If you break up with Niall, maybe I'll let you free." I growled. "Never. You never made me happy. Niall made me forget about you. You made my life living heck. He made me happy again. I don't have a perfect life. Nobody does. My life is anything but perfect. I'm not complaining, but I get hate all the time because I'm Niall's girlfriend. Niall is from One Direction and I really love him so, I just ignore the stupid stuff they say. Do you hear me?" I said, angrily. He scoffed again, cutting my wrist and putting the knife in my side and taking it out. "Ow!" I yelled. "You are pathetic. You're dating a stupid popstar. You deserve to be punished. When he gets here, I'll kill him. Right in front of you." I glared at him.

Niall's Point of View
I arrived and ran inside. I hope I'm not too late. I put my ear to the door to see if they are there. I hear him say that I was pathetic and that she's dating a stupid popstar Wait... "So what if I am? That doesn't change my feelings for him. Oh and by the way, we're not dating anymore," Ouch. That one hurt. "We're engaged. Oh and really? You think he can't beat you? I really doubt that you can even get him down. He loves me and I know he'd do anything. Although I would rather him not fight. Let's just say he's my everything and you were nothing. All you did was abuse me for thinking I had a perfect life. Well guess what? News flash! Nobody's perfect. Including Niall and I." Ooohhhh.. way to go Y/N. I went in and grinned with determination. My princess always knows what to say. I tackled him to the ground and put his hands behind his back. Liam, Louis, and Harry, came with the police and they took him away. I got the keys and unlocked her. "Are you alright?" I asked looking at where he stabbed her side. "He's done worse. I'm fine, Niall." She kissed my cheek. "I heard everything you said. Thank you." I kissed her nose. "You're welcome. Anything to stick up for my boo." She responded, kissing my lips.

Your Point of View
I smiled. He heard everything I said. "Let's go home, Niall. I'm still thirsty. Oh and hungry too! Oh yea.. I need bandages, don't I?" He laughed. "That's my girl!" He drove us home and cleaned me up. We got food, drinks, and went upstairs to restart the movie. "Niall, thank you for rescuing me. You're the best." I snuggled up to him and heard his last words before I drifted off to sleep. "Us cannot be spelled without you. That's why I'm going to make sure that you're always safe." He said. "You're so sweet.... I love you.." I mumbled, drifting off to sleep. "I love you too,

Sorry it took so long to update. I just couldn't think of an idea. Anyway, I do requests but not with your name. Just Y/N. You know the readers Point of View. So do you like the, "Us" quote at the end of this story? Enjoy! I'll update as soon as I get an idea!~Abby

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