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Your Point of View
On twitter I keep seeing rumors about Niall but, there's one that I see constantly. "Niall Horan See With Other Girl And Not Y/N. Is He Cheating?" I couldn't take it anymore. I walked up to my boyfriend and asked, "Have you been seeing another girl?" I ask angrily. "No. Why?" He looks a dumbfounded. "Don't play dumb, Niall. I know you are, so just tell me the truth." "But I am telling the truth...why would I cheat on you? And who?" "I don't know maybe that brunette that I saw you kissing her cheek on twitter. There are rumors." His eyes opened wide. "Can we stop talking about this?? Please??? It's not what you think. It's my-" Niall pleaded. "No. It's obvious you're cheating on me." I walked to the couch and sat down. "I'm not Princess. I promise... can we please stop talking about this? Please. I don't want to lose you." He said. "Then why did you cheat?" I asked, done with him. "I didn't. But I guess you can't trust your boyfriend. I guess the rumors are just too much for you. I've always been there for you, why would I cheat? I'm not that type." He said. "Get out of my house. Now." I said."I-What? G-get out? Don't do this...Y/N..." "I said get out, Niall! Get your stuff and get the heck out!" He got his guitar and said something before he left. "I hope you're happy with yourself. You're making a big mistake." "Get out!" he walked out with a sad expression.
Next Morning
Yawn..Someone called me. Louis? "Louis? Why are you calling me?" "You broke him. You broke Niall. Thanks a lot." He said the last sentence sarcastically. "He cheated on me." I defended. "No, he didn't. Those pictures on twitter are his cousin, you idiot. It was her birthday. If you would of let him talk he would have told you it was his mother's brother's daughter, Bella. You come over here right now and apologize. He did nothing wrong. You broke him. You selfish little brat. Did you think of his feelings? No! You just kicked him out for assuming he was cheating. Never assume. He was going to tell you but you kept jabbing insults at him." Oh, no...I'm an idiot. I feel like such an idiot. "Hear this. Hey Niall, how bout we go to lunch and get her off your mind." "No Louis. She hates me for doing nothing. All I did was take my cousin out. Is that a crime?" He started sobbing. I hung up and walked to his house. I knocked on the door. Louis opened it. "Oh. It's you... come in." He looked unhappy. "Louis I'm sorry I broke your best friend. I didn't know... I'm insecure you know." "Do not pull the insecurities card on him. It'll make him miserable. Got it?" I nodded. I went into Niall's room and sighed. "I'm sorry Niall. I had no right to assume that you cheated. I'm sorry that I didn't give you a chance. I'm sorry I kicked you out. You can come back now. If you want...I'm sorry for being the girlfriend you never-" I was interrupted by him kissing me. "You're back....I love you Y/N and I always will." He hugged me and we walked to my house. "I love you too." "Be my princess again?" I nodded. I kissed him. From that day on I never assumed again. I knew I'd treat him like a fair prince.

So, I know it looks like I updated these, but, I'm editing the errors. Enjoy!~Abby

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