You Comfort Niall

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Niall's Point of View
My mom called saying the whole family needed to talk. I wonder what that's about.. I pulled into the driveway and got out. I went inside and they didn't look too happy. "Uhmm... what's happening?" My mom had tears in her eyes. "Mumma?" I asked. Greg looked at me with softened eyes. "Your mother and I are getting a... divorce, Niall. We aren't happy. We just wanted you and Greg to know so you wouldn't find out anywhere except from here." I started to cry. "No... you can't..." I choked out. Greg sighed. "Niall, we're not happy. I'm sorry, but it has to be done." My father said. I cried harder. Greg led me out and drove my car to my house. "I'm sorry Niall. I love you little brother. Never forget that." He got out and walked to dad's house. I went inside and collapsed on the couch sobbing. "They don't care about me...they're getting a divorce because of me." I cried harder. "Niall?? Oh my gosh... what happened?"
Your Point of View
"Niall?? Oh my gosh... what happened?" He was sobbing on the couch and I could see he'd been crying for a long time since his eyes were bloodshot. "Oh.. baby..." I sat down on the couch and he hugged me, crying into the crook of my neck. "Niall, I'm here. Shh...just tell me what happened." I said, rubbing his back.
"My mum and dad are gettin'....
a-a-a...divorce!" He started sobbing again. "It's all my fault! I'm the cause of them being unhappy. They don't care about me!!!" "Ni... that's not true. They love you. Nialler, sometimes relationships don't work out they way people want them to. Sometimes they just pick the wrong person. It's not you. It's them. I guess they weren't happy so they decided to break up. It's like dating but married couples sign papers. They always love each other but not the same way they did when they were together. I love you, Niall. Never forget that. Alright, baby?" He nodded, kissing me. I kissed him back and smiled. "Smile." I said. I pinched his cheeks and he grinned. "There's my Niall smile, I know and love." He giggled. "I love you too, Princess." He hugged me and I got up. "I'll be right back. I forgot your surprise at my parents house. I'll be right back, Nialler, okay?" He nodded kissing me.
I drove to Niall's house first. I knocked and Greg opened it. "Hey Greg..." I said. "How's Niall?? Is he okay?" I shook my head. "He'll never be okay, but I cheered him up. I need to tell you all something. Can I come in?" He nodded. I went in and Maura was signing the papers. "I think you guys should know what Niall said to me... you'll never believe it.." Bobby looked at me and his eyes softened. "He said that it was his fault that you're getting divorced. He said you didn't care about him and that he was the cause of you guys being unhappy about your marrige." I said, looking down. "My poor baby.." Maura said. "I hope you guys turn out okay. Uhm, I'm going to back to him." Greg follows me out. "Did he really say that?" I nodded. Greg sighed. "Thanks, Y/N, for taking care of him." I smiled. "You're welcome, Greg. It's the least I could do. I'm his girlfriend. I need to do that. He doesn't deserve to be sad. Bye Greg." He smiled and shut the door. I saw that my present to him was in the back. Whoops... I grabbed it and drove to Niall's flat. I went in and smiled. "Hello Ni!" I said. "Princess! What is it????" He asked. I opened it and gave it to him. It was a heart bracelet with our date of when Niall asked me to be his girlfriend and Y/N+Niall, below it. He put it on and looked it over. "I love it. Thank you." He passionately kissed me and I smiled. "You're the best. Thank you for cheering me up." I kissed him. "No problem Nialler." I smiled again as I cuddled up to him. From then on I knew I had to keep him happy.

Thank you for reading. I know... it's not long and I haven't been on. Sorry!!! Love ya!~Abby

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