The Surprise

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Your Point of View
I woke up this morning feeling sick. I'm going to have to call off from work. "Hello?" said the salon receptionist. "Yes.. This is Y/N Y/Last/N and I'm calling in sick. I don't feel well." I said. "It's alright. I'll tell the boss." I hung up and went to the kitchen.

I had to go to the studio for a couple hours. I'll pick up some lunch and we'll eat together. See ya when I get home, Princess. Love you lots! :3

Okay.. I guess I'll be waiting a while. I got some coffee and my stomach starting hurting. I went to the bathroom and before I went, realization hit me. My period is 3 months late. I started freaking out.  I got in the cupboard in the bathroom and took out the test. I took it and closed my eyes. I'm hoping I'm not. What would Niall think? Will he hate me? I looked and it was positive. I'm happy and scared at the same time. I called the doctor. "Uhm can I schedule an appointment for an ultrasound? I'm pregnant and I would like to see how old it is." I said. "Of course. Tomorrow at 1:00pm?" "Yes. That's good. Bye." I hung up and got a text from Niall.

Nialler: Hey. Just an hour left. I'm getting Nandos for lunch. :D How are you?

Me: Ok, babe. When we get home we need to talk.

Nialler: Oh? Uhm, okay. You alright?

Me: Yea. I love you.

Nialler: Love you too, Princess. Bye.

Me: Bye, Babe.

My hands shook. What will he do? Will he leave me? Well, I know that mom will be thrilled. At least we're married. I should tell Niall first because he's the father. What am I gonna say???? How will Niall react? An hour later the door opens, Niall comes in with a bag of Nandos, and a worried look on his face. I was sitting at the table looking at my empty coffee cup. "Princess? Are you okay?" I looked at him and put my cup down. "Sit down Niall..." I said. He sat down and put the bag on the table. "A-are you breaking up with me?" Niall asked innocently. "No! Oh my gosh, no. It's better than that. Just please don't get mad. M-my period was like 3 months late so I took a test and Niall... I'm pregnant with your baby. You're going to be a father." I looked at him. A grin spread across his face. "I'm going to be a dad!" He got up, cane over to me, and kissed me. "I love you, Y/N... so much." We told the boys' and our parents. They were all exited. We ate our lunch and I forgot to tell Niall about tomorrow. "I have an appointment tomorrow for an ultrasound to see how old it is. Wanna go with me? It's at 1:00pm." He nodded. "Of course, my love." He smiled widely. I giggled. This turned out better than I thought it would...

Next Day for Ultrasound

We drove to the doctors and they took us in right away. "Alright. Lay down and pull up your shirt." the nurse said.  She put blue jelly on my stomach and put the thing on top. "Hmmm... you're about 4 months. It looks like. Come in 4 months and you can get the gender." I smiled. "Okay." Niall walked out with me and drove us home.

Day of Finding the Gender

In 4 months, my tummy is huge. "Princess, time to go. I want to see if it's gonna be a little princess and you'll be my queen." I pouted. "So no more 'Princess' nickname?" He laughed. "Of course. You'll always be my princess, Y/N. Let's go!" We drove to the hospital and they took us right in. I laid on the table and the nurse put that cold jelly on my stomach. "See that? That's the baby." she put it higher and smiled. "It's a baby girl." Niall smiled wide. The nurse cleaned me up and we went home. "I can't believe it's a girl, Y/N. I'm gonna treat her like a princess and sing to her and-" I laughed. "Ni, you're gonna be a great father."  I kissed him and he nuzzled his head into my neck. " And you're gonna be a great mother. You're already a great person and a great partner. I love you forever and always." Happy tears came down my cheeks. "Oh Ni.. you're so sweet. I can't believe I'm married to you and expecting a baby girl. I have a feeling our little girl is going to be a daddy's girl." he wiped my tears away and kissed me, when suddenly the baby kicked. "Oh my gosh! The baby kicked!" I said, smiling. He put his hand on my stomach and waited. Then, the baby kicked again. Another one of those grins spread across his face. "So, what're we gonna name her?" Niall asked. "What about Crystal Isabella Horan?" he nodded. "That's perfect because crystals are precious and so is she!" Niall happy danced around the room. I laughed when my water broke. I stopped laughing and started to be in pain. "Princess? Are you alright?" I shook my head. "My water broke." his eyes opened wide. "We need to get you to the hospital." We got in his car and he drove us to the hospital. They put me on a bed and wheeled me to the delivery room. Niall came in and called my family, his family, and the boys'. "Alright, push." the nurse said. I nodded and pushed. It took me four big pushes until the pressure was gone and that's when I heard crying. I smiled. Niall had one of those blue suits on and had her in his arms. She stopped crying and took ahold of his finger. Yup, she definitely is going to be a daddy's girl. Niall gave her to the nurse so they could check her out and then the boys' came in. Niall took he suit on and started talking to the boys'. "Y/N named her Crystal Isabella." "That's a nice name, Y/N. So, have you gotten to hold her yet?" Louis asked. "No. The doctors are checking to make sure nothing is wrong with her. But, Niall did hold and she stopped crying. She looked at him and took ahold of his finger. I totally think she's gonna be a daddy's girl." Niall smiled. "She was precious just like her name and her eyes were blue.  I love her already." Niall said as he grinned. The nurses came out with her and gave her to me. Niall was right. She looked at me and giggled. I poked her nose and kissed her cheek. Niall came up to her and she looked at him. Started trying to grab his eyes. I laughed. "I think she's memorized by your eyes, Ni." he smiled and kissed her nose. I looked at the boys' and said, "Wanna hold her?" they nodded. Liam took her first, "I'm your Uncle Liam and you know, you're one lucky girl. You have Niall and Y/N as parents." Liam kissed her nose and handed her to Louis. "I'm so gonna teach you how to be obnoxious. I'm you're Uncle Louis!" Louis crossed is eyes and she giggled again. Louis kissed her cheek and gave her to Harry. "I'm your Uncle Harry. Hmm...I'll be the to give you love advice. You know to love people as they are." Harry handed Crystal back to Niall and Niall said, "I'm your daddy and I'll always love you, Crystal. Forever and always just like I love your mother." Niall handed her to me and we got ready to leave. Before the boy's left we stopped Liam. "Liam, wait..." I said. He stopped and turned. "We would love if you were the baby's god father. Would you be willing?" he nodded. "Of course! Thank you so much!" He smiled and left. We went home and Niall took Crystal. He sat on the couch and rocked her. "I'll always be here for you. If you need anything at all. I love you and you know I always will." Crystal smiled and tried to grab his eyes again. "Those are daddy's eyes. I need to have them if you want me to see your beautiful face." I smiled and sat next to him and put my head on his shoulder. "And, I'll always love you, Princess. You'll be a great mother." he whispered in my ear. Crystal fell asleep and Niall put her in the crib in her own room. We went to bed and before I went to sleep I thought, "I have the best family and partner. I would never want to change anything."

So, here it is! The next Imagine! Sorry I was gone, I was at a fundraising bike ride. I'm back now and so I will probably update later today. Enjoy!!!~Abby

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