Sexy Cat Gets Down

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An: This is gonna be more of a James Pov so it make a little more sense.
Long chapter ahead

Cuckoo Clock of Doom Ep:3

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Cuckoo Clock of Doom Ep:3


Halloween Night

Margot, Allison and James are all banging on the basement door that's shut. Two of them banging the door while James tries to open it. Suddenly the door yanks open knocking him against the cuckoo clock by the wall. Cam and Isaiah say that they didn't see the light down there. "Okay, well, I'm gonna help J here with some decorations, if you need anything Margot let me know."
Cam goes over to James seeing him holding his head, concern on her face, "Hey James, you okay?" Isaiah's behind them and Margot and Allison come over, "You're not looking so hot." Margot comments, "I think I blacked out." Allison puts her head on his head to check him out, "Yeah, it looks like you have a contusion going. You alright?"

Cam looks over at him, worried, Isaiah comes up to him, "Do you wanna sit this one out? Or do you wanna show everybody how a Sexy Cat gets down." Cam rolls her eyes and scoffs with a small smile when James lets out a 'meow', "No but seriously, do you wanna sit for a moment?" She comments, " Am I okay? Sexy Cat came to party." Isaiah agrees with him and there off setting up decorations. "Also my mom totally help me into this thing, so you're gonna have to help me out." Cam shakes her head and goes off to set things up before people show up.

James greets people at the door and as more people start to show up he greets all of them, adding his witty feedback to every costume being the perfect host. "Just the man I wanted to see." He goes up to Isaiah and hands him a cup, "Oh thank you so very much. Where you been?" James shrugs his shoulders, "I was saying hi to people." Isaiah looks up, "Well, did you say hi to Sam?"

James looks up, "Oh, my God. No, I didn't know he was here yet. How am I looking? In terms of sexy catness, like where are we at? He does a little spin for Isaiah, "You are the sexiest cat at this whole party, and there's like five sexy cats here." James clinks his red solo cup against Isaiah's, "Thank you very much. I'm about to go get my man. I'm about to Romeo this Romeo." Isaiah starts hyping him up saying he believes in him.

James starts talking to Sam saying how he loves his costume. Everything is going well until he starts talking about sports and it goes down from there. Sam leaves James up on the second floor alone, and James goes back down finding Isaiah. He sits on one of the couches catching his friends attention, "Yo! How'd it go?"  James shrugs his shoulders, "Uh brutal. He was very, very not at all interested in me." Isaiah finds that hard to believe, "Were you being yourself?" James tells him he was and Isaiah gives him a look, "Ok, he may have asked me about sports, and I may have said a lot about sports."

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