7: Applicant 333

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——End of the Assassin Arc

"N-nothing. I'll go after Kill."

"No. Stay." Illumi countered.

"I should be the one to go. I might know where he's headed."

"No. Knowing you, you'll get yourself in trouble and no one's there to keep you away."

"Are you underestimating me?" Kikyo just watched the argument as it unfolded. She hid a chuckle. She recalls a time where you were both younger and argue all the time.  You and Illumi were both very argumentative.

"Cut it you two. I believe Y/N will be fine if she ever encounters trouble. You should trust her more. I know what she's capable of." Kikyo defended.

"Thank you, Kikyo. I must get ready to head out." You left, leaving Illumi to sigh because of your persistence. He looked at your figure going back to your room until he lost sight of you.

"Illumi, keep an eye on Y/N."

Y/N. You didn't have a surname. The Zoldyck named you when they bought you off of Meteor City. It was common knowledge to the family and the employees but to the public, you were a Zoldyck.

The reason behind you being sold off was unknown to you. Sure you were a bit curious but you didn't really see the importance of it. You only heard rumors about it circling around the estate. They bought you and took care of you in order for you to contribute to the Zoldyck's. You didn't exactly know what else to contribute since you do your job well. You didn't really get it but the rumor was worthless to you and uninteresting so you never really thought hard about it.

You were raised to be obedient. You knew what to do best, it was to follow every order given to you. You were made to kill, that was your sole purpose. To obey and assist the Zoldycks. You were treated like one, you never felt left out, you felt included and just as important. Only because you're strong. They'd probably toss you out if you ended up becoming weak. But in your case, the Zoldycks hit a jackpot.

You were skilled at physical combats, not to mention your nen ability is magnificent. You are a manipulator yourself, just like Illumi and most of the Zoldyck children.

You learned nen when you were 8, Silva and Zeno first introduced it you. They figured out you were a manipulator, nothing new because at that time, Milluki, Illumi, and Kikyo were also manipulators.

However, they were more than delighted to see that your aura held a sinister and dark force, it was unique. They took pride of this, you believe it was one of the reason why they took you in. but, you grew in favor of  physical combat. It didn't meant you were weak when it comes to nen, though.

Zeno and Silva treats you like a daughter but sees you as a tool. They are quite fond and are in favor of you because of your potential and ability. You see them as less than parental figures and more of a mentor. Zeno's more laidback than Silva, you could casually talk to him like he's your grandpa. In training, he only watches Silva doing all the work in you and only sometimes gives you advice when you seem to be desperately in need of it.

You trained alongside Illumi which made you spend most of your time training combat with him. You never really see the Zoldycks as your siblings, you weren't taught to treat and see them as one. And its not like you had one to know how. Illumi and you often argue, but it isn't surprising. Both of you were manipulators, always trying to manipulate one another and making each other obey. Despite that though, Illumi was superior, he was your mentor after all. You admired his skills, you were fond of his long hair and dark eyes, whilst He admires your ability and potential.

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