Chapter 1

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Omega body explanation


Male omegas are born with a uterus and womb, but the vaginal canal does not open until presentation. It can be possible to see if they're an omega through ultrasounds, but it is a useless procedure unless they believe they could be an omega or an alpha, but can't figure out which. The male appendage shrinks and the scrotum opens into a full vulva. After things have been set through nearly overnight, it appears as a regular vagina with an extended clitoris.

June 18th, 2013

Standing before him now might just be the most beautiful man he has ever had the pleasure to view.

Yoon Jeonghan, as he was just introduced, bows to the group of rowdy boys. His lithe body practically drowning in a t-shirt so long it comes down to his mid-thigh. While everyone else is greeting him politely, Seungcheol gapes and continuously stares at the boy.

He's absolutely stunning.

His nose bridge is long and thin, jaw sharp but narrow, lips pouty, and his eyes beautifully round.

As much as Seungcheol dislikes the stereotypes, the boy before him is the ideal image of omega.

The company dislikes parading around statuses and he can respect that. Pledis kept After School's sub-genders unknown, aside from the leader - Kahi, being an Alpha woman.

It was definitely uncommon to see, but a leader of a group having an alpha sub-status is nothing shocking. With Kahi's sub-gender being open to the public, this allowed Seungcheol to have his own be public. As much as the pups complain about his growing alpha scent that stinks up the practice rooms, he doesn't need to wear scent blockers.

However, that morning Seungcheol had been informed of a new member joining Seventeen, and he applied scent blockers to keep himself neutral.

He was also told the omega would be wearing blockers as well, yet Seungcheol wishes he asked them not to. What he would do just to smell that omega—

What is he saying?

That's inappropriate, he's a leader. He's a role model to the pups. He can't be thirsting over an omega.

"...ngcheol-Ssi. Seungcheol-ssi."

Seungcheol snaps his head up, completely wiped from his thoughts suddenly.

"Seungcheol-ssi, would you please explain to Jeonghan-ssi how things work around here?"

The staff member speaks like he's a child. How obnoxious. Instead, Seungcheol bows, "Yes, of course."

Seungcheol gulps, walking over to Jeonghan and bowing once more towards him, "Hi.. I'm the eldest of the group, Choi Seungcheol."

The omega's eyelashes flutter at him as he gives a polite smile in response, bowing back to him and greeting him, "Hello."

Seungcheol stands awkwardly, staring at nothing in particular- Oh. Right.

"Ah- Okay so..." Seungcheol looked around, gesturing him to follow him as he walked out of the green room and into the 'grey room' that was connected to the green room.

"Sorry, it's loud in there." Seungcheol closes the door behind him, putting his hands in his pockets. "So, we have a live stream thing, I'm sure you've heard of it."

Jeonghan nods, humming softly as he looks around the room, smiling at the one-person trampoline that leans against the wall.

"It's pretty much every other day, we're halfway through season 2. The live stream lasts a few hours and there are different cameras. So just know that you can't like, pick your nose or something." Seungcheol laughs, "Because it'll be caught on camera."

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