chapter 17

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March 6th, 2014

While yes, everyone is on suppressants now, there is someone who almost wishes they were!

And yes, he can relate to Junhui as the beta isn't on any suppressants for obvious reasons...

Chan is 16 and he still hasn't presented!

And yes.. Chan still has two years until it's concerning, but his entire family had presented a bit earlier. He's tired of just being.. This! He wants to know what he'll be, and he could cheat by getting an ultrasound to either confirm or rule out one option.

But he has some questions for Jeonghan first, to Chan he's the expert omega of the pack - even if this is furthest from the truth.

It's during their lunch break of one of their regularly grueling practices that Chan, ever the energetic maknae, finds Jeonghan sitting in the corner of the practice room and sits next to him. Jeonghan would have put an arm on the pup, but because of the staff staying eagle eyed this feat was not possible.

Jeonghan had sat in silence, happy to have his pup near him and happy to sit comfortably with him- until Chan ruined that peaceful silence by immediately intruding with, "When did you present?"

Jeonghan laughs softly at his question, "Is that what you came to me for?"

Chan nods eagerly, smiling innocently at him. Jeonghan doesn't wait for Chan's response and instead answers him, "Well, I got here way after you so I guess you never knew, huh?"

Jeonghan continues, "Mmm I was really early actually, I was 14. What makes you ask?"

Chan nods at the information, he wasn't sure what he was expecting because Jeonghan had already been presented when he joined Pledis. What he actually doesn't know is how old Seungcheol was when he presented. He's always known his hyung as their alpha leader.

Chan doesn't answer Jeonghan, instead he gets up to find Seungcheol. Jeonghan is a little bewildered that the pup had just got up and left him hanging, but he shakes his head, not having the energy to tell him off.

Chan finds Seungcheol sitting with Jisoo and Minghao, and immediately he barges in the middle of their talk to ask the intrusive question, "Hyung, how old were you when you presented?" he asks Seungcheol.

Chan sees Minghao make a strange face and get up to leave, and when he turns back to Seungcheol, the alpha is cringing. What was that?..

Seungcheol huffs, pinching the bridge of his nose and answers him, "15, why?"

Chan nods and leaves without another word, here he goes again not answering the questions he caused.

"Yah!" Seungcheol half heartedly yelled, "Don't you know that's rude, Chan-ah?"

Chan had turned 180, skidding on his heels as he sat down with Seungcheol and pouts.

"Come on, what's this about?" Seungcheol urges the pup, just like Jeonghan he'd be hugging him but of course this isn't possible.


"I want to present already.." Chan mumbles, immediately Jisoo coos, "Oh Chan-ah, I was just a month from 18 when I presented. You're just 16, why are you so worked up?"

Chan doesn't actually know this answer.

It's not like he would have anyone to spend the presentation with (if he's not a beta), and it's not like he'd be able to smell his hyungs or let them smell him, because this is strictly forbidden for whatever reason.

".. I .. I don't know?" Chan rubs the back of his neck awkwardly, Jisoo seems to answer for him, "Do you feel like you're not 'fitting in?'"

Chan frowns, "I think that's exactly it.."

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