chapter 14

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Read the end notes for some explanation on why I accidentally forgot about Joshua ;;

also, i think this is a common trope but i just want to make sure everybody is aware of it: when i use italics in full sentenced dialogue it means they're speaking mandarin :)

It's a little strange to Minghao himself that the next person he wants to tell about this is Jisoo.

The lack of interactions he's had with him is probably the leading factor at the moment. Plus, Jisoo is the co-head omega.

Before this, Minghao stares at the set of pens Jeonghan purchased for him.

He picks out a red colored pen, and begins writing a new page in his already well-filled journal.

I told Seungcheol last night. I almost feel empowered. I wish I didn't feel that way, what kind of person is empowered from telling that story?... Me, I'm that kind of person, I guess.

Seungcheol is very kind, all of the pack is. I don't know what drew me to tell him first and not Junhui, I imagine Junhui might have been the easiest because I didn't have to learn new words to explain it. But It might be too much to tell that story in Mandarin.. Too close to home?

I like Junhui, we've been on one more date. 'Date'.

What if he doesn't like.. Me?

I'm not like everyone.

There will be a day that I'll be confident in myself. With this pack.. I'm sure of it. For once I'm excited about the future.

Just as Minghao finished up the sentence and closed his book as Jisoo sits next to him, "Hi Myungho." he smiles, keeping a respectful distance similar to how Seungcheol had.

Minghao looks around the room, "Is anyone awake..?" the living room was empty and silent enough a pin drop could be heard.

"No, just me. Hyung wanted to chat." Jisoo's smile is so genuine that Minghao almost feels like he's being deceitful.

Of course he's not, but god he looks a little evil.

"Okay. Hi." Minghao places his journal on the coffee table and neatly crosses his legs.

"What happened last night, Hao..? If you don't mind me asking."

Minghao's glad he got straight to the point, he couldn't really handle it if Jisoo would teeter on the edge of asking something.

"What do you mean?" Minghao of course had to play dumb, because what exactly is he answering?

"When we got home.. You were sleeping with Cheol. It was so sweet but.. You had dried tears all over your face.. What happened, Hao?"

If Jisoo didn't know Seungcheol, by the looks of the situation he would have been very concerned by it. Especially because Seungcheol was holding onto Minghao while they slept.

But despite the obvious tear stains, Minghao had obviously tucked himself in very tight to Seungcheol.

Minghao purses his lips, staring at the ground then looking back up at Jisoo, "I told him my sub-gender."

Jisoo's face morphs into one of understanding, "Oh love.. That should never result in that much crying.. I'm sorry."


Minghao frowns, "It does for.. For my situation."

He hadn't planned on this, but how could he even begin to explain why he was absolutely wailing that night?

Woah, he's gorgeous!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora