Chapter 2

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January 12th, 2014

"Cheol has been really distant." Jisoo murmurs, sitting in the heat-room and chatting quietly. They decided to keep the heat-room a permanent thing just in case of future events, which are guaranteed to happen soon enough.

Jeonghan sighs in response, nuzzling into Jisoo's neck and scenting him, "He's always been like that."

Jeonghan licks at Jisoo's scent gland; to say that they got closer after the finger-blasting session would be an understatement. They're inseparable now.

"He has, but it's just been.. Different."

"What do you mean?" Jeonghan mumbles against his neck.

"He keeps staring at us during practice, I read the 17TV chat room messages, the ones in English - even they noticed."

Jeonghan doesn't answer, frowning against his neck, "Do you think he's grossed out?"

"From ... Two omegas doing stuff?"


Jisoo frowns back, "I don't know."


"Seungcheol-ah, could we talk please?" Jeonghan and Jisoo approached Seungcheol, who nodded and stood up. Jeonghan takes Seungcheol's hand, leading the alpha to the heat room. It's the most private place in the home after all.

Seungcheol takes a seat on the bed, which creaks underneath him despite the light pressure.

Jeonghan and Jisoo stood in front of him, and Jisoo cut straight to the point, "Do you have a problem with omega/omega relationships?"

Seungcheol immediately jumped into defense mode, his scent would have spiked if it hadn't been completely drowned out by scent blockers. "What? No no no- No no, not at all." Seungcheol waves his hands frantically in front of him.

Jeonghan doesn't seem so convinced, and he crosses his arms and pouts, "Then what is it?"

Seungcheol's mouth goes dry, what is he meant to say?

He sits deathly still, and finally speaks, "Uhm.. I-I don't- I think it's my alpha mind." He half lied, after all, it is sort of the truth.

Now it's Jisoo's turn to look upset, "Explain."

Seungcheol wanted to disappear at the moment, "I just keep thinking about .. stuff."

Jeonghan smirks, honestly now that he's learning it's not because he's against the omegas together... "Who do you think about? Me or him?" Jeonghan teases.

Seungcheol digs his own grave, and doesn't answer.

"Or both..?" Jeonghan grins, holding a bewildered Jisoo's arm. Jisoo seems to get the idea though, and also smiles at Seungcheol.

These two looked completely evil!

His gaze was locked on them, gulping and responding quietly, ".. Both."

Jeonghan internally squealed, looking at Jisoo who also was just as giddy.

Jeonghan suddenly felt just as evil as he looked, stepping closer to Seungcheol. Seungcheol honestly looked terrified, poor guy must have thought he was going to be murdered.

Somehow, in Seungcheol's mind, what Jeonghan did next was worse.

Jeonghan held Seungcheol's shoulders and straddled him where he sat on the bed, pushing him down onto the squeaky mattress.

Jisoo followed suit, climbing on the bed to lay next to where Seungcheol was laid.

Scent blockers must have been turned useless in this very moment, as even Seungcheol himself could smell his own musk of a mix of arousal and fear. It's not a common thing to smell on an alpha, and it only excited the devil omegas more.

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