chapter 20

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May 26th, 2015

Practicing and making a mini album was certainly not an easy task... But by some miracle, they succeeded.

And by some miracle, they debuted.

They debuted!

They debuted?!


Even if Seungkwan, world's biggest After School fan almost had a breakdown when he found out Lizzy and Raina would be their MCs for their debut, they still did it!!!

There's one thing that was expected after this successful debut stage - Lots of sex.

Only the thing is.. That didn't happen.

Everyone had expected to hear the oldest trio to be banging it out, but.. There was nothing. They had immediately gone to sleep.

Soonyoung is one of the members that predicted the oldest mates would be fucking in celebration, yet had been quickly proven wrong.

However, Soonyoung remembered something. Something he was told over a year ago. Something he is very happy to put into action.

"Jihoon-ah~" Soonyoung finds the unsuspecting omega laying on a bed in a shared room (now that they debuted, maybe they'll be able to buy a better apartment. Wouldn't that be a dream.

Jihoon already rolled over onto his side, still on his phone. He's used to Soonyoung cuddling up to him, even as much as he pretends he just 'can't stand it!' he still lets him do it.

Soonyoung does lay behind him, throwing his arm around his waist and hugging him close, "Ji, you told me something a little over a year ago."

"Mm." Jihoon isn't listening, poor omega has no idea whats coming for him. He's still scrolling through twitter, looking at any opinions on their debut, so far positive opinions or comments about shipping.

Just as Jihoon reads a comment that says,

'Wahhh, Woozi and Hoshi's chemistry is f*cking insane.'

Soonyoung places a hand on Jihoon's lower belly, a move that sends shivers down the younger omega's spine. "You said after we debut, you'd let me do something."

Jihoon understands now. He bites his lip, "..I know what that was." he answers, slowly putting down his phone. Maybe he wouldn't mind that...

"Yeah?" Soonyoung is a little geeked that he even remembers this. It'd be the first time Soonyoung would get to touch Jihoon without clothes separating them.

Usually, Soonyoung would push some limits (though, Jihoon never set any limits), and he'd just be denied swiftly. Jihoon was never uncomfortable, he was just never fully in the mood.

Even if Jihoon didn't start this conversation in the mood, there is a difference. Right now he feels like Soonyoung deserves something. Not that he would owe him anything, but really after all the work Soonyoung has done in choreographing their things for them, the least Jihoon could do for him is let him have some fun.

Yes, Jihoon has made Soonyoung come before, a few times actually - but nothing that they'd consider their first time.

Soonyoung has actually made him come once, he just refuses to admit it. Jihoon would never admit that a thigh in between his legs got him off.

All of their tame sessions is exactly why Soonyoung gets a little shocked when he's able to touch Jihoon's crotch over the pants. Jihoon's exhale is soft, "Y-Yeah."

Soonyoung gets a little closer to him, god he wishes heat suppressants didn't exist. What he would do just to get a hand on Jihoon's tits again... He would commit a crime or two for that, certainly.

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