chapter 21

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"Oh my god- Hao!" Soonyoung panics, rightfully so. He doesn't give a shit that Minghao's an omega, but he certainly gives a shit that his pack mate just went into heat!

What is he meant to do? Oh god..

Soonyoung situates Minghao a bit more comfortably, having him sit down properly. He's barely conscious, eyes hazy. The poor pup's head can barely stay up, lolling uncomfortably with his chin touching his chest.

Soonyoung yells down the hall, "Jihoon-ah!" knowing the omega is still awake, obviously.

Jihoon comes down the hall, already half dressed. He knew something was wrong considering Soonyoung didn't come back quickly or at all, he was already planning on checking it out until he heard the call for him.

"Hao, love. I need to get someone- Who do you want?" Soonyoung holds onto his shoulders, even if Minghao doesn't want anyone to be woken up right now, to Soonyoung it's necessary because what the hell are they supposed to do?!

Going into heat on suppressants is dangerous as well, it's usually caused by utmost amounts of stress.

Minghao holds onto Soonyoung's wrists, grip iron tight, "Please- Please don't leave me." he begs, looking up at Soonyoung. It's when the older omega notices the tears streaming down his face.

Jihoon watches in the entrance to the living room, frozen in concern and without a lack of instruction.

"Hoon-ah, Just fucking.. God I don't know! Get Seungcheol hyung?" Soonyoung tells, Jihoon's about to turn 180 to get him; right when Minghao shrills a heartbreaking tone, "N-No!"

"What?- What do you mean, no?" Soonyoung holds the omega as he dives into him, like the younger is trying to keep him down there with him.

"No alphas.. Please.." Minghao begs, starting to sob audibly. Jihoon still walks down the hall, going to get someone else. Minghao sees him going down the hall, "Jihoon-hyung please please- Please don't.."

Jihoon doesn't answer him, after all he doesn't truly know why Minghao is so panicked by this. Minghao cries into Soonyoung's neck, "Hyung.. Hyung I'm scared.. I'm scared.." he repeats, the omega shaking.

Soonyoung feels just as scared, he hugs him while waiting for Jihoon to come back with someone. He trusts that Jihoon will listen to Minghao's request.

After a few more seconds, footsteps bound down the hall and a very exhausted but panicked looking Jeonghan enters the room.

It's like Jeonghan had to snap into nurture mode, moreso disciplining mother mode as he snaps, "What are you doing?! Take him somewhere safer!" it's the first time Soonyoung's ever heard Jeonghan yell before.

It's not that Jeonghan would imply that this dorm is safe, but the heat room might be where he feels safe-er and not open and exposed in the living room.

"My pup.. My pup.." Jeonghan squats, nearly pushing Soonyoung off of Minghao and taking him into his arms. "Come on, hyung's gonna take care of you. Hyung's here."

Minghao's cries got quieter, while yes Soonyoung did good at helping him in the time he could, the older omegas are certainly Minghao experts.

Soonyoung and Jeonghan help the pup stand, even as his legs shook. Jihoon also made sure to help, he didn't want to just stand awkwardly and watch.

When they finally lay Minghao down in the heat room, it's like things snap into place for Minghao.

The poor omega screams, the loudest they've ever heard him. Being covered in slick after being comfortable without it's existence for so long must be terrifying, especially in a house with multiple other alphas - that although he trusts, it doesn't stop him from crying out in fear.

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