chapter 11

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October 9th, 2014

The 'BooSeokSoon' trio has not changed at all. Even if Seokmin was disappointed that he doesn't match the other two omegas, they still treat each other the exact same way.

Which is exactly why they're currently sitting in the living room in a gossip circle.

Their words were nothing more than hushed whispers of speculation, the topic of today would be Minghao.

They like him! They really do! But he's very mysterious.

"I think he's a beta." Soonyoung says simply, only for Seungkwan to butt-in "I think he's an alpha." whilst Seokmin looks at them strangely, "Seriously? I think he's an omega.."

"Well.. How do we find out?" Soonyoung frowns, now that they think about it, they haven't seen anything of him. They've seen his shirt off from time to time, but that doesn't matter because he's definitely on suppressants.

"I can't even smell him." Seokmin sighs, Seungkwan perking up to say, "Well if we find out what's uhm.. In his pants, that narrows down the option."

"Hmm, you're starting to sound like me!" Soonyoung grins, "I like the way you think!"

Seokmin looks a bit scandalized, laughing at the two omegas, "Well- That's a job for you guys I think.."

Soonyoung leans his head on Seokmin's shoulder, "You're our mistakenly labelled omega, it'd be fine."

"To you guys, yes. But can you imagine how scary it'd be if an alpha was breathing down your neck trying to peak at your genitals?"

Soonyoung snickers, "I don't know, ask Jeonghan and Jisoo hyungs."

The trio laugh at the ridiculous comment, no matter how right it may be, Seungcheol absolutely is obsessed with them.


Later that night, Soonyoung and Seungkwan found themselves in a bit of a compromising position.

After Soonyoung learned that Seungkwan's heat would be in a little over a week, he certainly appeared excited at this.

"Is that why you're wearing a huge hoodie?" Soonyoung giggles, laying on top of Seungkwan on the living room couch. It was very late at night, but they didn't have much to do the next day either way.

"..Yes.." Seungkwan mumbles, a pout in his voice, "They're so hard to practice with."

"Have you tried omega tape? It tapes them down instead of accentuating them like bras do." Soonyoung hides his face in Seungkwan's neck, scenting him nonchalantly.

"I-I think they're too big for that.." Seungkwan blushes. He's embarrassed by it, but he has no idea that Soonyoung is about to go insane from that comment.

"There's no way." Soonyoung sits up, staring at Seungkwan in awe, "C-Can I see? The biggest boobs of our pack is Jeonghan's, and that's saying something because he doesn't have much going on there."

Seungkwan laughs at that, sitting up as well to take the hoodie off. As he lays back down, his chest spreads out and appears flatter. Soonyoung frowns, "You know that's not what I mean.."

Seungkwan blushes further, "You do it."

Soonyoung bites his lip as he smiles, pushing the rim of Seungkwan's shirt up to his collarbones, but then pouts as he sees the sports bra blocking the prize.

"Too many layers." Soonyoung huffs, finally pushing up the sports bra.

His jaw drops as the breasts spill out from the hold of the sports bra, they're beautiful . His nipples were a lighter brown but red-tinted color, areolas certainly larger than the rest of the omega's to make up for the sheer size of his breasts. The breasts themselves must be DD cups, they're beautiful.

Woah, he's gorgeous!Where stories live. Discover now